
Oveit received the innovation prize for its green ticketing and registration technology at the Forbes Green Awards.

We are very happy to be a part of a global movement for green technology and will continue our efforts towards a better, more eco-friendly future.

Our technology enables event planners to handle registration, ticketing and access to events in an eco-conscious manner. Our zero-paper approach to ticketing can decrease the indirect impact events have on deforestation, thus improving the overall carbon footprint.

All tickets are sent and can be stored digitally, without the need for physical printing or transport. Scanning is done without the need for additional specific devices, even for large events. We use one of the most ubiquotus technologies available: smartphones and tablets.

With our reusable NFC digital wallets, event planners can pack multiple access perks (entrance, beverages, specific access options and more), across different events. This way we add another eco-friendly option for events attendees and planners.

We believe that wonderful experiences can and should be created, managed and enjoyed in an eco-friendly manner.

Published On: November 22nd, 2016 / Categories: Event management, Event professionals, Events / Tags: , , , /

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