How can I send badges to all imported atendees
OpenIoana DeneČ™ asked 4 years ago • , ,
2142 views0 answers0 votes
Can you assign a specific user to a specific event only?
OpenJoe asked 4 years ago • , ,
2047 views0 answers0 votes
Can I add the embed event into a wix webpage?
OpenWill Mitchell asked 4 years ago • , ,
2376 views0 answers0 votes
Bank Transfer Option
OpenSupport answered 6 years ago • 
3427 views1 answers0 votes
New user
AnsweredAlex Pana answered 6 years ago • 
3989 views1 answers1 votes
Can I add a downloadable file to the confirmation page?
ClosedAlex Pana answered 7 years ago • ,
2794 views1 answers1 votes
Can I import a list of attendees?
ClosedAlex Pana answered 7 years ago • ,
4038 views1 answers0 votes
How can I sell tickets on my own website?
OpenAlex Pana answered 7 years ago • ,
3115 views1 answers0 votes
How is Oveit protecting the financial information?
ClosedAlex Pana answered 7 years ago • ,
2392 views1 answers0 votes
Promotional discount code
ResolvedAlex Pana answered 7 years ago • ,
5479 views1 answers0 votes
How can I register free users for my event
AnsweredSupport answered 8 years ago • ,
3137 views1 answers0 votes
How can I set up a different default currency?
OpenSupport answered 9 years ago • ,
4883 views1 answers0 votes
Where can I create a seating map?
OpenSupport answered 9 years ago • ,
4192 views1 answers0 votes