DiscussAuthor "Support"
Can I import a list of attendees?
ClosedAlex Pana answered 7 years ago • ,
3717 views1 answers0 votes
How is Oveit protecting the financial information?
ClosedAlex Pana answered 7 years ago • ,
2249 views1 answers0 votes
Promotional discount code
ResolvedAlex Pana answered 7 years ago • ,
5155 views1 answers0 votes
Can event attendees upload images in the registration form?
AnsweredSupport answered 7 years ago • 
3150 views1 answers0 votes
Does Oveit support NFC?
AnsweredSupport answered 7 years ago • 
2618 views1 answers1 votes
How can I set up a ticket purchase thank you page?
AnsweredSupport answered 7 years ago • ,
2426 views1 answers2 votes
Does Oveit offer any support for end-use customers?
ResolvedSupport answered 7 years ago • ,
4019 views1 answers1 votes
Export event data to external CRM
ResolvedSupport answered 7 years ago • , ,
2696 views1 answers0 votes
How can I set up a ticket purchase confirmation page?
ResolvedSupport answered 7 years ago • ,
5597 views1 answers1 votes
How can I start a new event?
OpenSupport asked 8 years ago • ,
3933 views0 answers1 votes