If you plan on organizing a big concert, in order for it to be an unforgettable event, you will need, of course, great music. But, besides this, you still need to pay attention to a few very important aspects. Take a look at some of the things you need to manage prior to your big night.

Easy access

If you want people to enjoy your concert, make sure the access to your event is simple and they don’t have to wait more than a few minutes to enter the location. Choose a user-friendly event registration software, such as Oveit, that allows event organizers to manage events, registration data, customer relationship and cash flow. Oveit runs embedded on your website and implementation is as easy as copy and paste.

Pre-concert activations

Before the concert, you need some smart activities available for the guests, so they do not get bored. If you have sponsors, this task is an easy one – they can make some nice activations for the participants. If not, choose simple, yet effective methods. You can make a real life size cut-out with the band, where people can take photos to post on social media, or have a cocktail bar, with drinks inspired from the songs from your new album.

Food and drinks

Make sure people have enough choices of foods and drinks at the location. Remember, they have to be able to eat this quickly and without getting their hands too dirty, so you can have sandwiches, popcorn, sweets and beverages. A good idea is to give them something free, like a bottle of cold water, if your concert is on a summer day, or a hot tea, if it’s winter.

Involve the crowds

During the concert, don’t just stand there and sing. Of course, people are there for your music, but involving them in the concert is always a good idea. For example, give them LED wristbands that contain light – emitting diodes and radio frequency receivers. The lights inside the wristband can be controlled by a software program, which sends signals to the wristband, instructing it to light up or blink, for example. Don’t tell your guests what the wristbands really are – you can just tell them that it’s their ticket to the concert. Then, during the show, at a very special song, you can turn them on, creating a very special and unforgettable atmosphere.

Take a break

If you plan on singing more than one hour and a half, consider taking a break. This is good not only for you, but also for your public, because it allows them to get extra drinks and snacks, smoking a cigarette or using the toilet, without missing your performance. Nevertheless, you can sell CDs and merchandise during breaks.

After party for the people with VIP tickets

Usually, after the show, the band and the staff celebrate the success of the concert, right at the location, most of the times backstage. You can create a special type of tickets, such as VIP or Special Pass, which cost more than the regular ones, but have certain benefits, such as access to the after party organized by the band. You can offer them a glass of champagne and the great opportunity of talking to you, taking pictures of you and spending half an hour with you.

Published On: March 16th, 2017 / Categories: Concerts, Festivals / Tags: , , , /

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