Create, mint and sell
NFT tickets

Improve your event experience
with Smart Tickets powered by NFT protocols

NFT ticketing is transforming the way we sell and buy experiences in events, tourism and leisure. Partner with Oveit to discover how NFTs help you build better customer experiences, offer rewards, pack benefits and even process payments.

NFT ticketing artwork


NFT tickets - so much more than just pretty pictures

Your tickets can be much more than access codes. They are the gateway to your unforgettable experience and a new way to engage your community. NFTs are tokenized collectibles that can offer access but also prepackaged benefits, membership in a selected community, and a new stream of revenue through perpetual royalties.

NFT Tickets work as pre-programmed digital ownership contracts between you and your community. Read below to discover how this will transform your industry and how you can be part of this revolution. With Oveit, NFT tickets are as accessible as traditional electronic tickets. But they come with unimaginable extra benefits, tackling the industry’s problems with ease. Read below how.

NFT tickets - video presentation

Solving the industry’s issues. And more

NFT tickets, also known as smart tickets, offer us new ways to create and deliver unforgettable experiences to our communities. Unlike electronic tickets, NFT tickets can be pre-programmed to protect us and our community from scalpers and fraudsters, while still incorporating access to unlimited benefits. Physical and digital. They are, in fact, digital tokens that have the power to maintain the relationship and dialogue between experience creators and fans long after a specific event has ended. Smart tickets are more than just event tickets. Let’s see just how powerful they are. 


Scalping – Bots buying and selling tickets for profit

Through scalping, enormous numbers of tickets are bought by bots and resold for profit.

These days bot traffic is an issue for every industry. However, by 2019 the ticketing industry suffered from 39.9% of bad bot traffic against an average of 21.8% across all industries. Even worse things are for sports websites, with an astounding 57.1% of incoming traffic originating from bad bots in 2019.

This practice is not just stopping fans from buying tickets to your live experiences, but it’s also inflating prices on the secondary market. Scalping exploits your audience for the sole benefit of third parties looking for easy profits. It’s time to put a stop to it.


Reselling – Secondary market transactions

While part of the secondary market transactions is legit, most of them are targeting your community for profit. Unlike other resources, event tickets always come in limited quantities, making it easy for scalpers to inflate prices by automatically buying large quantities of tickets and creating scarcity. As they become the main ticket holders, they resell them for artificially inflated prices, exploiting your community for their sole profit. Smart ticketing will put you in control.


Ticket fraud

Contrary to popular belief, most ticket fraud activities are aimed at fans. While some attendees willingly try to use fake tickets to enter the premises, most ticket fraud activities are actually conducted through secondary market sales. Here’s how they operate:

Fake tickets are sold as legitimate ones. There are no existing data exchange protocols between numerous ticket-selling platforms or tools to check ticket authenticity, which makes detecting fake tickets close to impossible.

Legitimate tickets are sold multiple times. Most tickets use static barcodes or QR codes, which can be copied multiple times and sold to different customers. The same ticket is sold hundreds of times, ruining the experience for members of your community. 

NFT tickets will protect you and your community.


Neglecting community involvement

In today’s world, where offline and online experiences are becoming increasingly intertwined, fans are seeking more comprehensive experiences. Unlike the entertainment industry, event tickets haven’t evolved, remaining as simple as they did years ago:  they offer access to a specific area for a limited period of time. That’s not what your fans are looking for.

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nft ticket displayed on mobile device

Sell NFT tickets with fiat AND crypto

We help you accept USD, EUR, GBP, and over 130 currencies as well as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and all other major cryptocurrencies. Don’t worry if you are not ready to accept crypto, we can help you process all payments.

nft tickets aftermarket

Make the aftermarket your best friend

Program royalties in your NFT tickets secondary transactions. Set upper and lower limits or block resales entirely. Connect with us and discover a revolutionary way to do ticketing and unlock new revenue streams.

NFTs pre-pack tickets, merchandise and payments

NFTs are secure and can be programmed to hold all sorts of benefits. With Oveit you can pack goods, services, merchandise and even money your visitors can spend in your venue. All collected with a simple tap.

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Remix your ticketing and tap into the power of the Web3 Community

NFT ticketing can be added on top of your existing experiences. No need to change the way you operate your business. No need develop deep blockchain knowhow. Contact us and we’ll help you deliver collectibles that live on the blockchain forever. Mix the power of your events with your visitors’ need to create their own, personalised tickets. Add benefits like access to the backstage, beverages and merchandise, as well as preloaded wallets that they can use to spend in your venue.

Web3 smart ticketing - the blockchain solution

NFTs are digital assets that contain information on blockchain and, unlike cryptocurrencies that are interchangeable (fungible), are not interchangeable (non-fungible). NFTs can be associated with digital or physical goods, generate access to properties based on credentials, or even confer identification to individuals.

NFTs are secure, easily transmissible via blockchain, and governed by strict rules under smart contracts. It is nearly impossible to hack or fake them.

Smart tickets are minted on the blockchain and associated with the digital wallet of the user who initiated the action. This makes it nearly impossible for scalpers to automatically buy large quantities and resell them for profit.

With NFT tickets, experience creators have control over what happens after the ticket is sold: they can choose whether they allow it to be transferred or resold, set the upper and lower resale limit, and claim royalties on resales. You can control what happens with your tickets even after the initial sale. 

NFTs are unique and cannot be copied. And so are NFT tickets. As the item’s history, authenticity, and ownership are embedded and immutable, your community is protected against fraudsters. NFT ticketing will put an end to ticket fraud, as the authenticity of each individual item is guaranteed by the entire network. And, as non-fungible tokens are transmissible via blockchain, a valid ticket can’t be sold more than once, solving yet another major issue buyers face. 

Unlike now, when you get fake details of scalpers’ bots, with NFT tickets, you will be able to know who exactly your true participants are and how to reach out to them. For example, you can send them news and updates during the event, announce promo offers or launch gamification campaigns. 

Furthermore, smart tickets can grant access to extra add-ons. goods, services, merchandise, and even money your visitors can spend in your venue. All were collected with a simple tap.

Once the event is over, or the visitor has left the venue, the NFT ticket can still be accessed anytime via digital wallets. You can set up side events and create loyalty programs with points earned and spent during different events or outside of them. 

WEB3 Ticketing

Deliver the next wave of NFT utility with Oveit

The next wave of NFTs brings together amazing artwork and amazing utility that can be used in real life. What does that mean? It means an NFT ticket is pretty but also secure, lives on the blockchain, can help you collect royalties on resale but most importantly – it works as a secure wallet.

Imagine you are planning a festival. Until now tickets allowed you to get in, maybe access a specific area and that was it. 

NFTs are much more than just artwork. They are digital ownership contracts that can be programmed in any way you want. This means you can create a special NFT that holds not just access rights but also goods and services your fans can claim. Imagine packing in a goodie back 3 burgers, a beer, dinner, autograph signing and 100$ worth of spending in the festival venue. This and a lot more can all be done with NFT tickets. 

Even more – each NFTs ticket can be unique and personalised by your buyer. You can offer all sorts of benefits they can choose from when creating their perfect experience. When their journey is over they can even prepack a certain amount of money they can spend within your event or venue, or maybe at your partners. When all’s said and done, their tailored experience is packed and shipped in the form of an NFT that can easily be stored by anyone.

In the backend we offer you the right tools to scan and hand out the right benefits and add-ons. You get full control over what your visitors are entitled to, how much they can spend and relevant data to better understand how to improve your experiences in the future.

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NFT ticket utility

NFT Tickets: So powerful, yet so easy to use

NFT ticketing can be added on top of your existing experiences. No need to change the way you operate your business. No need to develop deep blockchain know-how. 

We’ve made it simple for you to create, mint, and sell NFT tickets. And while you focus on creating the perfect live experience, we’ll take care of the technicalities. With Oveit, the NFT ticketing process is as easy as traditional electronic ticketing. You can still embed the registration form on your website, and customers can pay with both fiat and crypto. 

We’ve integrated with both custodial and non-custodial wallets, helping anyone claim and store their smart tickets. Furthermore, we’ve integrated dynamic QR codes into the tickets, allowing you to scan them using our mobile apps. So although this whole experience is based on blockchain technologies, the process is flawless and accessible to anyone. 

All your buyers need is a digital wallet. If they’re new to this, they can create a custodial one on the spot. No cryptocurrency or technical skills are required. As easy as it gets

Collect royalties from each resale

Royalties and recurring payments

One of the great hustles for events and venues is managing what’s happening on the secondary market. Some of the activity is legitimate while some is just scalpers creating a bad experience for your fans and visitors.

But this is all about to change now. Every transaction we deploy on the blockchain can be governed by what is called a smart contract. These are specially constructed applications that manage just about everything when it comes to how your NFTs behave. We can program how low or how high an NFT ticket can be sold, whether they can actually be resold and even bake in royalties for you and other parties involved in creating your great experience.

Imagine you are setting up a new concert with an up and coming artist or selling tickets to next week’s match with your newly recruited athlete. You can set up a special scheme where any resale will be programmed to send a certain amount of money back to you and a part of it to your upcoming star. Each time your fans resell their tickets a certain percentage is delivered to your account. 

This structure can be set up to run forever and thus deliver recurring revenue to you and your partners. Imagine having sold NFTs to your favourite ‘60s star and still be earning recurring royalties from NFT tickets collectibles issued at Woodstock ‘69. That is now possible and opening the gates to a revolutionary revenue stream for the entertainment and hospitality industries.

  • Collect royalties from resells;
  • Limit upper and lower resell prices;
  • Set up automatic royalty distribution structures;
  • Transform your fans and visitors in your biggest distribution channel;
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NFT royalty distribution
Sports bar nft - use NFT tickets at partner bars, restaurants

Build NFT benefit programs outside your gates, together with your partners

So far a ticket could only be used in a very small space – the event venue, a stadium or maybe a tourist attraction. Now it can become so much more, running our tools on the blockchain. NFT tickets can operate as a combination of prepaid debit cards and membership cards that can be expanded by you and your partners.

Imagine you run an arena in the middle of a big city. You draw in fans from all over the country and maybe the world. Using our tools you can help them check in at your partner hotel, have a beer at the fan-friendly bar across the street and connect them with special places in and around the city. All you need is Oveit and its NFT tickets tools.

Connect in person and online experiences with NFT authentication

NFT tickets can deliver specially designed tickets that are secure both in person and online. As we are moving towards hybrid experiences, the lines between in-person and digital are blurring. Imagine shifting from a complicated system of memberships that connect offline buyers to digital experiences and the other way around. In our previous implementations, we created complicated, password-gated communities that were either operating online or offline. With Web3 NFTs all you need is the right NFT to access the benefits you are looking for, both in person and online.

Imagine designing an in-person theme park experience that is continued at home in front of the TV, on mobile or on a laptop. Everything that’s needed is the NFT ticket to unlock the right benefits for your loyal fans.

WEB3 Ticketing

NFT tickets unlocks unlimited possibilities

With utility NFTs physical goods are connected with their unique digital representations that can be stored and transacted both together or independently. Contact us below and discover how can you create NFT tickets that allow attendees access to both in-person and digital experiences. Enrich the experience with forever lasting digital assets that will continue to bring in royalties long after the event is over.

  • Allow your fans to really own the experience you create;
  • Earn recurring revenue as the ticket NFTs are resold, even after the event is done;
  • Bridge online and in-person events with collectible tokens;
  • Join the Web3 revolution and create the next big thing in experiences
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NFT tickets addons
Frequently asked questions

Questions about getting started with NFT tickets

We are happy to answer any question you might have about NFT tickets. We know blockchain technology might be a bit daunting at times but with Oveit you have a partner that is always happy to help. Here are some of the questions we have received about NFT tickets and how to get started:

What is the cost of minting and selling NFT tickets?

This is one of the most common question we are receiving. With recent increases in NFT minting and transaction gas costs, it’s normal. However, our technology of choice is Polygon, one of the most cost effective blockchain technologies. We charge a 2% fee, with a min. $1 fee for NFTs ticket minting. This way you can rest assured that the smart contract deployment and minting costs are always under control.

Can NFT tickets be purchased with fiat currency?

Yes, NFT tickets can be purchased with both fiat and crypto currencies through Oveit. We’ve partnered with PayPal, Utrust and to help you sell NFT tickets easily and receive payments instantly.

Which wallets are compatible with Oveit’s NFT tickets?

We run on the ERC1155 standard. This standard is accepted by most wallets. A few examples are Gryfyn, MetaMask, Fortmatic, Portis, TokenPocket, Torus, Wallet Connect, Bridge Wallet, Math Wallet, Alpha Wallet. Additionally you can check a full list here.

Can I integrate NFT tickets sales on my website?

Yes, you can either use Oveit’s marketplace sales or you can use our embed feature to provide NFT tickets sales on your own website.

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What else can I do with Oveit?

Event registration & ticketing

The registration process is simple and easy to set up. It follows a few steps that makes it easy for you to set up an event and its registration options. It features general information such as event name, date and location details, registration cost (ticketing), forms, follow up details and a preview before you go live.

If you want to receive payments you can do this via a secure integration with your or PayPal account. You can even receive crypto-payments through a account.

As an event planner you want to know your guests as much as possible. With our event registration forms, it’s easy to set up a data collection pipeline. Your guests fill in their details and you see results in real time. If needed you can export the data and use it in your favourite tools such as Salesforce or Mailchimp.

Mobile apps make it easy to check ticket authenticity. This way you can quickly check visitors in and see details regarding their ticket category. Ticket check-in data is registered in real time so you know exactly how many people have registered, how many have checked in and when.

Whenever you sell something, an invoice or receipt needs to be issued, together with the follow up email confirming purchases. Oveit does this automatically for you and your visitors.

Last but definitely not least – you want to know what’s happening within your event. Real time reports show you the full story. How many tickets have you sold, what are the best sellers and what’s the revenue you are generating? It all leads to better event planning and better cashflow.

Event registration software
oveit pay cashless payments

Oveit Pay – cashless payments for events and venues

Oveit Pay is a solution designed for growing events and venues that want to create a cashless payments ecosystem. With Oveit Pay you can onboard vendors and allow your guests to topup credit and pay using digital wallets. Digital wallets are stored on NFC/RFID wristbands and cards and can be accessed with a simple tap.

We provide cashless payments solutions for global events and venues that increase revenue by 30 to 60% and improve user experience, within and outside their venues.

We focus on helping you increase in-venue purchases, increase your revenue and improve the visitors’ experiences. With Oveit you can set up multiple online and physical credit top-up points, and multiple vending points (including external vendors), as well as track purchases throughout your venue or event.

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Sell like a pro with our leading live commerce software is our live shopping events tool. Whether you are selling tickets, goods or even NFTs you can do this live, in front of your audience.

At 9% median conversion rate, live shopping is the fastest growing commercial channel. Use our to connect with your audience and establish trust. Selling products becomes fun and engaging.

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live shopping events software
Direct payments for event registration

Direct Payments for event ticketing and registration

We have integrated the world’s most secure payment processors, allowing our users to benefit from a direct debit feature. Sell in fiat or crypto and accept payments immediately. Each time a customer places an order, the money will go straight into your account. Why? Because we know how important cash flow is, and we want you to benefit from your income, no matter if they buy the tickets 10 days or 10 months prior to the event.

Each account supports PayPal which sends money straight to your account. PRO accounts also support crypto payments with No coding is required when connecting it, we’ve made it as simple as possible. You create your account, activate your payment processors, publish your event and start receiving money. It’s that simple. 

Both payment processors will allow your customers to pay using credit or debit cards, no prior account within the solution is required for your visitor. All of their financial information is processed with the platforms, in a secured environment. We do not process nor store credit information. All needed information is processed by the authorised payment processors.

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Customer reviews

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Five star event registration rating

"Great app, stellar customer support"

Laura B.
Digital Marketing Specialist
Internet, 11-50 employees

"We have tried several event management systems for the conferences & workshops our NGO organizes (30 to 400 participants per event). We've used even some of the most praised apps out there. Trouble was that none of them was quite up to par with the set of features we needed (website embedding for the event registration form, customer vouchers, mobile app for check-in, payment integration and a couple more). Oveit came as an awesome surprise."

Five star event registration rating

"Excellent service and really easy to integrate"

Peter C.
Information Technology and Services

"The simplicity and customer care of Oveit is fantastic. It is the easiest tool by far for ticketing to integrate to your site."

Five star event registration rating

"Quick uptake and easy customisation, mobile site and access was impeccable, support was top notch !!"

Townson T.
Online ticket sales

"Saved time by not having to assign seats and allowed patrons to choose their seats."

Pixel art by Rachanon Khattiyon