At Oveit we believe in the promise of Artificial Intelligence and its revolutionary power. As Andrew Ng mentioned, AI will transform healthcare, transportation, entertainment, manufacturing, just to name a few and it will improve the lives of many, many people.

The AI revolution is not powered by algorithms, big companies or VC funds. It is powered by a community of passionate researchers and scientists that believe in a better future, one where we all can be free from unfulfilling work and free to pursue dreams and passion.

free event management app for AI events

Alex Knight

We also believe that collaborative events such as conferences, workshops, meetups and congresses are great ways for the AI community to meet and work together and pursue common goals.

Oveit is a software startup founded on two principles: fusing communities and helping build a better future through the events we support. AI events resonate with this vision.

We think it is our duty to support upcoming AI scientists and researchers and most of all – those that bring them together through their events. That’s why we have decided to offer any event planner that hosts AI conferences, workshops and meetups free usage for Oveit for a 12 month period. Yup, that is correct: a free event management app for all AI event planners.

If you are planning an Artificial Intelligence event and you need an event management software for registration, payment, access control or others, just ask for your free account.

All you’ll have to do is send us an email at contact [at] with a few details about your event (topics and date) together with the email you have used to register on Oveit. Afterwards – you can use your free event management app for the next 12 months. By the way – there are no strings attached.

We sincerely hope you will find our tools useful and we thank you for your effort in building the AI community.

Published On: August 21st, 2017 / Categories: Event professionals, Events / Tags: , , /

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