If you are already planning your 2017 vacation, you should take into consideration a city that has multiple opportunities: sightseeing, beautiful sceneries, great food and lots of entertainment options. If you enjoy theater plays, you can book your holiday so you can attend a festival – it will be both fun and educational. Here are five of the most interesting theater festivals around the world, from Russia to India to Ireland!

Chekhov International Theater Festival, May – July, Moscow, Russia

The Chekhov International Theater Festival was established in 1992, and in the 25 years of its history, the festival became a joyful and longed for event for all those who love theater. Their main goal is to widen the audience, making theater be longed for by the people of different backgrounds. You can already buy online tickets for some plays of the 2017 festival, including “The Twelfth Night” and “The Tempest”, by W. Shakespeare. The performances are held by professionals from all over the world, and take place at all of the Moscow theaters.

More info at: http://www.chekhovfest.ru/en

Edinburgh Festival Fringe, August, Edinburgh, Scotland

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for three weeks in Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital city. From big names in the world of entertainment to unknown artists looking to build their careers, the festival caters for everyone and includes theater, comedy, dance, physical theater, circus, cabaret, children’s shows, musicals, opera, music, spoken word, exhibitions and events. In 2016, there were 50,266 performances of 3,269 shows in 294 venues, making it the largest ever arts festival in the world.

More info at: www.edfringe.com

Bharat Rang Mahotsav, January, New Delhi, India

Bharat Rang Mahotsav was established a decade ago by the National School of Drama to stimulate the growth and development of theater across the country. Originally a national festival showcasing the work of the most creative theater workers in India, it has evolved to international scope, hosting theater companies from around the world, and is now the largest theater festival of Asia.

More info at: http://theatrefest.nsd.gov.in/

Dublin Theater Festival, September – October, Dublin, Ireland

Dublin Theater Festival is an annual event that brings together artists, theater-makers and audiences from Ireland and around the world. At the heart of the festival is the city of Dublin and a commitment to contributing to the vibrant social and cultural life of Ireland’s capital. In 2017, the festival will feature 18 days of world-class theater and entertainment from Ireland and abroad, from 27 September to 14 October.

More info at: www.dublintheatrefestival.com

United Solo Theater Festival, September – November, New York, USA

United Solo is the world’s largest solo theater festival, currently at its 7th season. Through a variety of one-person shows, the Festival explores and celebrates the uniqueness of the individual. The audiences can experience one-person performances from all over the world and better understand foreign cultures and traditions, see the perspective of people in various walks of life, coming from different backgrounds, speaking different languages.

More info at: http://unitedsolo.org/us/ufest/

Published On: November 4th, 2016 / Categories: Events, Festivals, Theater / Tags: , , /

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