“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

Winston S. Churchill


Charity. Source.

Each year, non-profit organizations face the difficulties of the modern-day business society.

However, there is one difficulty that stands out from the crowd: raising money. Whilst in sales a company offers something in exchange for money, most of the times non-profit organizations have nothing to offer… or do they?

Looking towards fundraising in our times you must remember what fundraising is all about.

1. Asking is the best way to raise money

Money doesn’t grow on trees, nor is anyone willing to part from it without a good reason or a good story. The main rule of fundraising is that if a charity wants to be funded, it first has to ask for it. Donations will not come by themselves, they come from people. Hence, it is important to see that money is necessary but not important. People are important. Friends of the cause are important. And one must always remember that each donor is unique and must be seen as a real person, not as a walking wallet. 

2. Inspire people with your vision

A wise man once said that the hand asking for money will not receive anything unless it has a good story to tell. This means that behind each cause there has to be a story that stirs emotion and makes people join forces or donate some money. Nobody will ever donate anything unless they empathize with the cause. Charities need a larger vision. They must think outside the box when they tell a story. Be original!

3. Organize fundraising events

How to raise money for the charity? Involve them in your story and make them actively participate in your campaigns. Get them to know the beneficiaries of the charity and let them be fundraisers themselves. Most important, organize fundraising events. These are the moments when potential donors and sponsors can interact, discuss and get to know one another. Manage your events with care, get to know each and every one of your participants and offer them an easy way to make donations. For this it is recommended the use of an event management tool that can handle access management, registration management and offer you an easy and smooth way for people to donate. Oveit can give you all the above-mentioned tools so that you can focus on telling your story to the people and not worry about managing your event.

4. Show me the money!

Once your event is finished, the adventure is not over. You might have raised an impressive amount of donations for your cause, but that’s not the end. So, follow-ups are required. A fundraiser must go from door to door and talk to the people he now knows and who are now familiar with the cause. For this, a fundraiser needs a good data base of the people who participated at the event. Using Oveit you can visualize and use the event data in the CRM section and follow up . So all you have to do is pick up the phone or write an e-mail and follow up with your kind donors .

Fundraising is not hard once you have a good cause and the right tools for your events and donations. Go out there, talk with your donors, keep them active, involve them in your campaign and always show them your results. People need to see where their money goes. If what the person donated made a difference, rest assured that she will be ready to donate once more.

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