
The Vatican Museum. Source.

Today, the world is changing faster than ever. Information is now instantly available to everyone online, so modern museums need to sell a reason for people to pay to view the real thing. Therefore, in order to respond to the social changes and adapt to your visitors’ expectations, you must innovate, and technology might just be the right choice.

Create your own museum app

More and more museums in the world are making the experience interactive, educational, and engaging for their visitors. Your own museum app can provide cellphone tours, audio guides, interactive movies or games and even augmented reality.

Optical recognition and enhanced reality (using QR codes and such) is a great way to improve the experience of your visitors, as you will be able to enhance what they are seeing through their mobile device. People can scan an object of interest with their camera, and that gesture triggers delivery of relevant content, in order to better understand the exhibits. With the help of your e-ticket and NFC technology, visitors can simply touch their phones on the museum devices and benefit from the latest trends in augmented reality. All the devices from the museum and gallery can connect to Oveit, hence the only thing that visitors must do is purchase an online ticket and come with it on the smartphone. From there, they can relax and enjoy the sights.

Sell online tickets and subscriptions

Purchasing e-tickets will give your customers a lot of benefits: they decrease cost and are instantly delivered (no transportation needed), they are a great time saver, more accessible, safer (these won’t get stolen or lost), and last but not least, they are a ‘green’ alternative.

Apart from these facts, there are also great advantages for you when it comes to selling tickets or subscriptions online. For example, you are able to collect essential customer data that can be used to better plan marketing campaigns for future exhibits or events. With Oveit’s embed system, you can issue and check electronic tickets directly on your website so that you can make sure that customers will never be forced to a third party website that sells tickets. Moreover – there is no setup fee and implementation is instant, by just copy-ing and pasting an embed code.

Provide multiple access

If you have various galleries, collections or exhibits going on in your museum, you can sell multiple access tickets. Oveit’s event registration software can help you create as many different types of tickets as you need. You can also set prices, ticket quantity limits, and much more. Therefore, visitors will be able to benefit from simpler access, using only their smartphone. With the multiple access option, visitors will be able to configure their access ticket any way they want, choosing whatever exhibition they want. Just imagine that you can buy a ticket in less than 2 minutes and with that same ticket you can do everything you want in the museum. So, pay once, visit more.

Host events

Events enable you to promote your activities to a very select group of people and can be a fun and interactive way to engage with potential and existing visitors. Make visitors feel like a part of the museum family, by inviting them to special ‘member’ events. Let them share their experience with the museum and their future expectations. Also, events can be a great way to thank existing customers for their support and interest.

In order to host a successful event, you need to have an easy registration system in place. In a couple of minutes, Oveit can help you design and create personalized badges for all your attendees, create complex seating designs (in case your museum hosts a conference) and sell access to your planned event.

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