Oveit was selected as one of the exhibiting startups at Museum Rocket, the first museum and entrepreneurship fair.


Museums have always been at the center of cultural innovation. As the times are ever-changing museums can’t ignore the impact technology has on our lives.

So a small team of enthusiasts has built a platform where cultural experts and leaders can meet tech entrepreneurs. Ideas will hopefully flourish and the two will be able to benefit from one another.

Last year’s Museum Rocket, in Berlin:

We Are Museums 2015 (Berlin, DE) from WeAreMuseums on Vimeo.

We were selected to showcase our access management technology, enabling museums to improve access to venues. With Oveit, museums can issue and check electronic tickets directly on their websites, can offer subscriptions to visitors, and can create cross-museum access passes in minutes rather than months.

Even more, museums can host events and become the cultural and social centers our society needs them to be.

The fourth edition of Museum Rocket will be hosted in Bucharest, following Vilnius, Warsaw, and Berlin, and will feature guests and speakers from all over the world.

We will be glad to meet you there.

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