Live Support

Our dedicated team is ready to assist you whenever you need help. At Oveit, we care a lot about our customer’s success and satisfaction. We are using the most efficient support channels to assure that our clients are always looked after when they need our assistance. Therefore, while using Oveit’s event registration software or any other services that we provide, our customers might choose to receive live support through one of the traditionally used channels: live chat, email, or phone. But they can also use our social media channels to contact us. Those who like to discover things by themselves can access our Knowledge Base section.

Live Chat

According to a study, 44% of online consumers agree that having a real person to answer questions is very important for businesses that own a website. At Oveit, our live chat runs on Intercom and our usual reply time goes down to a few minutes. Our team is spread all over the world meaning that your question will have an answer from our live support team before trying to figure it out yourself. 


Phone support helps customers feel heard and valued. For those clients that prefer to hear a friendly voice on the other end of the line, phone support is among our support channels. 


We all use email to communicate with others. Even if some consider it an old-fashioned support channel, at Oveit, we still use it quite often to guide our users.

Self-serve Knowledge Base

Here is where you can find step-by-step instructions on how to use our features. We carefully selected the most common questions from our discussion forum and answered them in a step-by-step format inside the Knowledge base support section. 

Social Networks

If you come across our product on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you can always find more details by chatting with one of our team members on any of the above social media channels.