Oveit’s Event Listings: Less Clutter, More Fun

Hey y’all, event planners and all you event enthusiasts out there, hold onto your event registrations because Oveit has a fantastic facelift in the events listings section. Let’s dive in and see why the new event listings are a big improvement for all you event aficionados.

Simplified and amplified event dashboard listings

1. Clarity reigns supreme:

Imagine scrolling through your event dashboard and getting hit with a barrage of data that leaves you feeling like you’re reading the Matrix. Yup, that was Oveit until this week! Now your events’ relevant stats are easier to scan than your grocery list. We’ve trimmed the fat, removed the redundant, and served you a clean plate of event information. So, no more playing hide-and-seek with critical details!

2. Action-packed interface:

The goal for our new design is to put the spotlight on the actions you want to take – whether it’s editing your event, checking the number of attendees (because we all want to know if it’s going to be a rager or a snoozer), sharing your event on social media to let the world know it’s going down, or adding those precious tickets at the registration desk.

3. More info, less scrolling:

Our UX wizards have waved their magic wand and transformed the event listings from an inline display to a sleek column and row system. More information at your fingertips, and less scrolling means you’ll save more time for things that matter, like selecting the best speakers, making sure visitors get a fun experience and you get peace of minds.

4. Mobile first makes it easier to stay connected:

Let’s face it, mobile devices are practically our best friends, and we know it. The new event listings are optimized for mobile viewing, so you can plan events while you’re waiting in line for your morning coffee. Your events are now truly at your fingertips, wherever you go!

Find the right data easily

5. Reports, reports, and more reports:

You know those full event reports that you’ve been sifting through, desperately searching for a golden nugget of information? Well, we tried to help and moved them to a dedicated ‘event reports‘ section. It’s like moving from a cluttered attic to a swanky penthouse – spacious, organized, and oh-so-sophisticated. Plus, it sets the stage for more amazing future event reporting features.

6. Clean and clear:

We revamped the look and feel of events, creating a clear distinction between active, archived, and permanent events. With tags like ‘Published,’ ‘Draft,’ and ‘Finished,’ you’ll always know where your event stands. It’s like having a butler at your service, only virtual.

Guess where you can click to create a new event

7. Create your next dream event:

You’re at the end of your event listings, and what do you see? A big, bold, “create event” button beckoning you to let your creativity run wild. At Oveit we are all about making your event planning dreams come true, and this button is the gateway to your event wonderland. So go ahead, click it, and make magic happen!

Alright, ready to test the new flow? Head over to your events section and see how it feels.

We made the ticket simpler

… but just as powerful and feature packed.

As Oveit progressed we added more and more features. We started with a simple idea of making event registration simpler, help event organizers receive payments instantly and embed everything on their website.

As we progressed and crossed our first thousand users we saw more and more options we needed to add.

We understood different registration periods may have different pricing points. We saw the need to limit potential sales to an upper limit of tickets per buyer (avoiding scalpers and such). We then discovered the whole idea of group buying and we added bulk sales options. Some of our customers wanted to extend the usage of a simple ticket beyond just access and we created addons. We even added a digital wallet you can use to pay for goods in a venue and around it. To solve fraud we created smart tickets. Calendar based tickets were added to cover multi-day events. And more…

So, inch by inch, we got to this:

And this …

And a lot longer setup section. I just cropped the upper part. Imagine you had to scroll to find the save button on a ticket. On a desktop.

Meanwhile, most of our starting users wanted to set up a ticket or two, set up a price and start their event registration.

The power users, midsized and large events, needed the full range of our features and sometimes even more.

So how could we have our cake and eat it too? How can we set up a simple basic ticket setup option but retain all of our features?

We thought a lot about this and discovered that:

  1. We needed to simplify the ticket listing page and minimize the ticket groups feature. So we removed the large group input which served a minimal role. We updated the interface for our users to just drag and drop tickets and it would form a group. We changed the wording based on input from our customers;
  2. We kept only the minimal options visible in the basic ticket setup. We now ask for a ticket name and a price (if the registration is not free). All other (many) options are now part of the … well … options panel. Just expand it and you’ll see them ordered by most commonly used ones.

This is how the ticket listing section looks now:

Oveit tickets section

And this is how the ticket setup modal looks like:

Setting up a ticket is simpler in Oveit

The expanded options are visible at a click or two:

Ticketing options
Ticketing options

Much easier to follow, right? If you want to play around with it just head over to your Events section and add a new ticket.

We’d love to hear your take on it. If there’s anything you think we can improve, just schedule a call with us here.