Event ticket design with Oveit: make your tickets match your brand

When setting up an event, it’s important to have your brand really shine through. With our PRO account, you can customize the look and feel of your event ticket design to align with your brand. Our “ticket branding” feature offers you some great options to ensure your tickets are not only functional but also visually appealing.

But let’s start with the type of tickets you can design for your event:

Apple Pass, images and PDF files – Why use multiple ticket formats?

Our event registration software allows you to issue tickets in three different formats: PDF, image (PNG), and Apple pass files. Each format offers benefits for specific users and use cases in your event.

PDF tickets

PDF tickets are versatile and easy to distribute. They can be emailed directly to attendees, who can then print them out or save them on their devices. PDFs are ideal for detailed customization, allowing you to include a custom logo, cover photo, and additional event-specific information. They are also perfect for including data from registration forms, such as the attendee’s name and any add-on information like goods, services, or access rights. You can even add custom text relevant to the event, such as important information or terms and conditions. Additionally, you have the option to exclude default data like the ticket orderer or order number, giving you full control over the ticket’s content.

Sample PDF ticket

Image (PNG) tickets

Image tickets are highly shareable and can be easily integrated into digital communications or printed as keepsakes. Designing image tickets for your event can mean setting up your logo. Additionally you can design and adda cover image on our blue background and reflect your event’s identity. These tickets are perfect for social media promotion, digital invitations, and quick mobile access.

Apple Pass files

Apple pass files (.pkpass) offer a seamless and modern ticketing experience for iOS users. These digital passes can be added to Apple Wallet, providing attendees with easy access to their tickets on their iPhones. Like the image tickets, Apple pass files can be customized with your logo and a cover image, maintaining brand consistency and enhancing the attendee experience.

Sample Apple Pass ticket

Customizing your event ticket design

Our PRO and Hub accounts offer you customization options for your event tickets design. Here’s how you can tailor each ticket format to meet your needs:

Logo and cover photo

  • Image (PNG) and Apple Pass Tickets: Customize these tickets with your logo and a cover photo that matches your event’s identity. The cover photo for these formats should be 400×102 pixels to ensure a perfect fit and high-quality display on the blue background.
  • PDF Tickets: Similarly, the PDF tickets can feature a custom logo and a cover photo, with the recommended size being 652×120 pixels. This ensures your brand visuals are sharp.

Custom information on event tickets

  • PDF Tickets: In addition to the logo and cover photo, PDF tickets can be further customized. You can display up to the first three fields of data from the registration forms, include add-on information like additional services or access rights, and add any custom text relevant to your event. This flexibility allows you to convey all necessary information directly on the ticket, improving the attendee experience.

Excluding default data

  • PDF Tickets: To streamline the ticket’s appearance, you have the option to exclude certain default data such as the orderer’s name or the order number. This feature allows you to maintain a clean and focused design, ensuring that only the most relevant information is presented.

Creating your event ticket design

Take advantage of these customization features to design event tickets that truly stand out. Whether you choose PDF, image, or Apple pass files, each format offers unique benefits to meet the needs of your attendees while ensuring your brand shines through.

Start designing your perfect event ticket today.

The calendar based ticket

Some of our customers mentioned there is something missing in Oveit. A solution for multi-multi-day events. And one for venues that sell tickets indefinitely. Turns out the solution is the same.

Here’s how it started: if you set up a two or three day conference there is a simple way to set up your ticketing process. Actually there are more. You can add day tickets or you can add packages composed of multi-days tickets. You can even use our addon feature to help visitors create their own special kind of ticket package.

But what if you want to set up an event that will happen three times a week for the next 3 weeks? Or set up ticketing for a venue that sells tickets everyday, all year round? With our previous system you’d have to set up as many ticket types as days available in the event. There were some workarounds but it was messy and error prone.

Enter: the calendar ticket

Calendar ticketing

To solve this issue we created a new way of setting up tickets. With some simple rules you can create everything you can imagine for a recurring type of event.

You can set up daily tickets, time slots, tickets that sell every few days starting at a certain date and ending at another. You can choose specific dates where the ticket will be sold.

And what’s even better – it will magically appear in a simple to use calendar interface that you can use on Oveit.com or embed in your website.

Setting up a calendar based ticket

What do you think – are you ready to give it a try? Head over to your Oveit dashboard, set up a new event, check “perpetual” at the date happening and a new option will show up in your ticket options: “Calendar”.

Calendar tickets setup

Once you open the “Calendar” option you will notice you can set the ticket to be appear:

  • Everyday (you can set up start and end dates)
  • On specific days (e.g. Monday and Wednesday)
  • On specific dates (e.g. Aug 12, 2024 and Aug 15, 2024)
Calendar based tickets settings

Choose one of the options, tweak it a little bit by using the advanced settings and you are ready to go.

How to accept crypto payments for events and venues

Being part of the event management industry, we had the chance to work with visionary leaders from all over the world. Working with such partners has always forced us to adapt and innovate, making sure that Oveit is the ticketing tool they (and their communities) are looking for. And crypto payments make no difference. 

But it’s time to say that crypto payments should become a thing. The market itself evolves at a speed never seen before: according to a report from Crypto.com, by the end of 2022, there will be 1 Billion crypto users! That’s a 10X increase in the span of just two years!

This opens new possibilities for businesses in general and event organizers in particular: accepting crypto payments to easily onboard this new generation of customers and event attendees. 

But the rapid growth in popularity has its shortcomings. There are still many myths around the industry and accepting crypto payments, especially for event organizers, may seem like a hard thing to do. But it shouldn’t.

That’s why we made it easy for events and venues to accept crypto payments for tickets. Here’s how you can accept crypto payments for your events with Oveit.

How to accept crypto payments through Oveit

Open an account with Oveit. 

Our event management software helps thousands of event organizers create full experiences. Sell electronic and NFT tickets, check in attendees, and set up a cashless payments system – no coding required.

Connect your payment processor. 

We work with Crypto.com and Utrust to accept crypto payments and with PayPal and Stripe for fiat currencies. We work on direct payments, meaning each time an order is confirmed, money goes straight into your account.

Set up your event in minutes.

Our easy-to-use solution helps you get started in minutes. Set up ticket categories, registration forms, and add-ons, invite team members and create your own event economy with Oveit Pay. Our real-time reports will help you get an overview of your experience.

Publish your event, share it with your community, and get paid right away.

You can easily embed the registration form on your website or send registration links to your customers.

Yes, selling tickets for crypto has never been easier. But while the technical implementation is frictionless, you may ask yourself why you should accept crypto payments for your events. To answer this question, we’ve prepared a short list of the benefits of doing so. Based on our experience, customers prefer to have multiple payment options, and crypto payments have gained more traction in the last two years.

Why accept crypto payments for your events?

Easy to implement

The days when accepting crypto payments was a time-consuming chore are fortunately behind us now. Nowadays, businesses from all over the world can easily accept crypto payments – without the need for any technical background. 

Our crypto payment processor partners will help you get paid in various coins, taking care of all the complicated processes that may take place in the background. All you need is to create a merchant account and connect it to Oveit. Afterward, each payment will go straight into your account, without having to wait until your event is over in order to get access to your earnings.

Crypto payments have lower transaction fees

It may sound hard to believe, but accepting crypto payments is actually cheaper than working with fiat currencies. Over the last few years, the crypto market benefited from incredible investments. In both financial capital and manpower, thus creating an infrastructure meant to serve its users.

While the traditional payment processors’ fees are, in general, between 2 and 3% + a fixed amount, the norm for crypto processors tends to be just 1% of the transaction. This will help you better budget your event and have total control over your money, without having to spend enormous amounts on unnecessary fees.

Instant payments from anywhere

Events are international gatherings. Over the last few years, we’ve had a chance to be part of hundreds of events in different parts of the world. And one thing is certain: events gather like-minded people. Regardless of how long they have to travel to be part of these extraordinary experiences. By accepting crypto payments you allow attendees from all over the world to easily secure their place. Without having to worry about local currencies and high exchange fees. 

As more customers tend to avoid fees related to the classical banking system, crypto payments will allow anyone, from anywhere, to easily purchase tickets for your next gig.

Accepting crypto payments gives access to new customers

Customers that are looking to pay with cryptocurrencies represent a new segment, one who otherwise may not be tapped into by your business. According to Forrester Consulting, US-based businesses that started accepting crypto payments attracted new customers, 40% of which were new customers that spent, on average, twice as much as credit card users. It’s safe to say that allowing attendees to buy event tickets for crypto will allow you to interact with new audiences.

Global cryptocurrencies have a total value of $2 trillion (as of 2022), and accepting crypto payments will allow you to tap into the wealth created by them.

Early adopters will help you spread the word

Accepting crypto payments can also be a marketing hook. Each new technology has seen its share of early adaptors. But none had the ability to create such loyal fans as blockchain did. And although it’s safe to say that blockchain and cryptocurrencies are heading towards mass adoption, the enthusiasm has not faded. In fact, we see a continuous increase in both enthusiasm and user base. And events related (directly or indirectly) to Web3, blockchain, and NFTs benefit from this wave of passion.

Allowing customers to easily purchase event tickets for crypto will make them spread the word about their experience; not once we’ve seen it with our existing customers. For both crypto payments and NFT ticketing

Final words

Decentralized payments become more popular each day. New customers are onboarded in the crypto world, encouraging more businesses to accept different payment methods from their customers. And based on the adoption rate seen today, it’s expected that by 2030 almost half of US citizens will own cryptocurrencies (43%). And these numbers will be considerably higher in countries with poor local economies.

The future is already here – especially in the event management industry. As more and more customers, especially those from the younger generations, are looking for alternative payment options, we hope that this article helped you get a better understanding of how to accept crypto payments for your events. And why you should start today.

Frictionless Event Payment System

Having a straight forward event payment system can be the difference between failure and success. Making sure that your customers can easily register for you paid events is one of the first things that you need to check while opting for an event registration software. But you need to also check and see if you can use that money prior to your event. Having a solid cash flow will help your business grow; having cash flow problems can crush your business.

Over the last few months, the event management industry was one of the most affected industries by the COVID 19 pandemic. Live events have been postponed or canceled, and the ones that took place were limited to a small number of attendees. Sponsors withdraw their offers as many companies decided to use part of their marketing budgets for day to day operations. Some event organizers moved the experience to online events, facing new challenges, but at the same time continuing to deliver incredible experiences to their communities. 

But having an event payment system that allows you to easily access your funds is something that every event organizer should have in mind. Regardless of the current global situation. 

At Oveit, our goal was to use technology to empower event planners that put all their work into bringing people together. Offline and online. We wanted to create a tool that makes everything fully automated, but also lets you have full control. And payments were one of the first things that we focused on.

photo showing the green "register" button on a computer keyboard
Image by bastiaan from pixabay

Direct debit for event payments

Using our event registration software, our partners have instant access to their ticketing income. All our pricing plans have the direct debit feature activated, meaning that each time a customer places an order, money goes straight into your account. For us, this is how an event payment system should look. This way, even if a customer places an order for an event that will take place one year from now, you can use that money to support your efforts. 

Secure Payments for Events

Let’s face it, paying over the internet can sometimes be an issue. For you and your customers as well. This is why we have decided to work with some of the most important payment processors in the world. This way, each time an order is placed, we can be sure that the client’s credit information is in safe hands. We do not process or store any credit information. Yet tickets are issued only after the payment is confirmed.

Multiple payment processors

Live events bring people together all over the world, so it was essential for us to provide an event registration software that supports multiple currencies and payment methods. We haven’t limited payment methods to just credit or debit card transactions. We added bank transfers as an option as well. And frankly, the option was used more than we have initially expected.

After creating their account, our partners can choose to easily integrate PayPal or Stripe as their payment processor. The Integrations are straight forward, allowing event organizers to receive money from each order straight into their account. 

As a tech company, we couldn’t neglect cryptocurrencies. Especially after running a survey with part of our partners as seeing that over 50% said that they would consider allowing customers to pay with cryptocurrencies for their future events. From March 2020, we have partnered with Crypto.com, allowing our partners to sell tickets using cryptocurrencies.

Having an event payment system that allows you to process payments in a secure environment is crucial. Your customers need to feel safe each time they share their credit information. But at the same time, it’s important to have a system that is flexible and works for you. 

How to monetize your Virtual Event

Today, more people than ever are using online platforms to host events. The current situation forces many artists to keep their fans engaged through different streaming platforms, right from their own houses. As expected, this change from offline to online is quite different in terms of generating revenue for both event organizers and artists. Therefore, in order to support everyone who puts on live events as part of their daily lives, it is extremely important to find efficient methods to earn actual income from virtual events. In this article, we will go over different monetization strategies for your online events.

Read the full article here …