Your NFT Tickets for tourism are here

In the ever-evolving world of tourism, innovative technologies continue to reshape how we explore and experience travel. One such technology that holds massive promise is Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These unique digital assets have the potential to revolutionize tourism, offering enhanced experiences for travelers, businesses, and local communities alike. Viscri9, a captivating location, in partnership with Oveit, is fueling this movement. They are introducing NFTs that unlock unique extra perks and adventures. Let’s dive deeper into the possibilities that await in this exciting fusion of NFTs and tourism.

To better understand NFTs in the context of tourism, it’s helpful to explore this article that focuses on the topic. In “How to Use NFTs for Tourism: Creating Better Experiences“, we explore the fundamentals of NFTs, their applications in marketing, loyalty programs, gamification, collecting travel memories, supporting the local economy, booking and registration, and even as a new form of payment. This article provides valuable insights into the broader potential of NFTs in the tourism sector.

Viscri 9 and Oveit; Revolutionizing NFTs in Tourism

At the forefront of NFT-powered tourism experiences, Viscri 9, a remarkable location, has partnered up with the Oveit. Their goal: to offer captivating NFT tickets for tourists. These NFTs include a range of extraordinary perks and immersive adventures and here is where you can buy them from. The goal: to showcase the cultural heritage and natural wonders of the Transylvania region.

Some of the perks included in the Immersive NFT Package Perks at Viscri9:

  • Introductory Course on How to Scythe
    Experience the traditional farming techniques of scything.
  • Introduction to Steelworking with Our Blacksmith
    Unleash your inner craftsman and learn the art of steelworking. Collaborate with skilled blacksmiths and experience the mesmerizing process of shaping metal.
  • Wild Plants for the Modern Forager Tour in the Forest
    Embark on a journey through the Transylvanian wilderness, guided by experts who will introduce you to medicinal plants.
  • Making Soap That Is Healthy for Your Skin
    Dive into the world of natural skincare as you create your customized soap using organic ingredients.
  • Horse Riding on the Transylvanian Hills
    Saddle up and embark on an unforgettable equestrian adventure. Explore the scenic Transylvanian hills and immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature.
  • Scenic Electric Bike Tour Between 4 Villages
    Discover the beauty of Transylvania’s countryside on an all-day electric bike tour. Pedal through panoramic paths and connect with the local culture.
  • Hiking on the Hills Surrounding Viscri
    Embark on a captivating hiking expedition. Explore the hills that surround Viscri for breathtaking views.

+ many more surprises.

Seeking authentic adventures in Transylvania?

Viscri 9’s groundbreaking use of NFTs in tourism, facilitated by Oveit, opens up a world of unparalleled experiences. By combining the unique benefits of NFTs with cultural heritage and natural landscapes, this experience offers a gateway to a new era of tourism. Embrace the power of NFTs.

Embark on a journey that blends digital innovation with real-life exploration. And discover the hidden gems of Transylvania.

NFT Ticketing main concerns – Q&A

We’ve asked Chat GPT about the 3 main concerns related to NFT ticketing and answered them through this article.

We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again. Here at Oveit, we feel that NFT ticketing is the future of ticketing. The benefits offered by blockchain technologies have the power to fundamentally change the industry for the better. These tokenized tickets are not only protecting your community against scalpers and fraudsters. They’re doing it while allowing you to create new, immersive experiences for your attendees.

Table of content
NFT Ticketing and its benefits
NFT ticketing concerns
Access and Adoption
Technical Complexity
Cost and Equipment
Final Words

NFT ticketing and its benefits

Unlike traditional tickets, which generally allow their holders access to a specific venue or area, NFT tickets have the ability to govern the connection between you and your community. While still serving a ticket’s primary meaning, they also govern loyalty memberships, can store extra physical or digital products, and offer access to #web3 experiences. Not to mention that their immutable nature transforms them into desired collectibles! 

But as with any emerging technologies, there are valid concerns that need to be addressed. Whilst implementing NFT tickets for events around the globe, we’ve had a chance to see what people’s main concerns are.

But for this article, we’ve decided to have a different approach. We’ve asked Chat GPT to tell us what the 3 main concerns people may be having when considering implementing NFT tickets for their events. We’ve then addressed these concerns and answered them ourselves.

Just to add, we do agree these concerns are normal to have, but as you can see below, using Oveit’s NFT ticketing is easy to use, extremely accessible, and nothing to be concerned about!

NFT ticketing concerns – according to Chat GPT

This is it. Below, you’ll find the 3 concerns Chat GPT mentioned. And our answer for each of them.

Access and Adoption: Adopting NFT ticketing may take some time, as it requires end users to understand the technology and how it works.

Our NFT ticketing system has been created to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for anyone to use. As an event organizer, no #web3 technical knowledge is required. We’ve built our NFT solution to work on top of the existing ticketing processes and we handle all the technicalities. All that’s needed is a wallet address to use for any incoming royalties in the future. If an organizer doesn’t have a wallet, we can set up the NFT tickets under our collection, so even #web3 beginners can easily sell NFT tickets with Oveit.

For ticket buyers, the process is equally simple. NFT tickets are minted straight to the buyers’ wallets, and all they need to do is connect their wallet address to receive the smart tickets. What happens if somebody with zero blockchain experience wants to buy a tokenized ticket? Besides non-custodial wallets, we also support custodial wallets such as Gryfyn. So somebody completely new to this space can easily open a wallet using their email address. And once they set up a full KYC with the wallet, assets can be recovered even if they lose their login credentials. 

Technical Complexity: NFT ticketing may require complex technical solutions and infrastructure to manage ticket issuance, distribution, and tracking.

Issuing, distributing, and tracking NFT tickets are all done through our proprietary system and partners’ network, allowing our users to use these features without any #web3 technical know-how. We’ve developed a full smart ticketing process that can be used by anyone interested in the benefits of blockchain technologies, even without any experience in the area. 

Here are some of the use cases:

Our network of payment processing partners allows you to sell tickets for both fiat and cryptocurrency and receive your money in fiat currency, regardless of how your customers decide to pay.

You can sell NFT tickets even if you don’t own a crypto wallet. All smart tickets can be deployed under Oveit’s collection, so you and your community can benefit from all the perks without worrying about the complexity of the process.

Anybody can buy an NFT ticket, even customers who haven’t interacted with #web3 technologies before. NFT tickets can be bought with fiat currency through traditional card payment, just like any other electronic ticket. Customers who don’t own a crypto wallet can easily open a Gryfyn wallet – a custodial wallet that requires only a valid email address.

With Oveit, NFT tickets can be scanned just like regular electronic tickets. We’ve worked hard to create a smart ticketing process that resembles the traditional eTicketing process. Although based on blockchain technologies with improved capabilities, the interaction is as smooth as the current process. Your customers will show you a QR code that you scan with our mobile app. In the background, this technology completely changes the process, making it safer for all parties involved.

Cost and Equipment: Smart tickets may require a significant investment in hardware and software infrastructure to support the technology, which may not be feasible for smaller events or organizations with limited resources.

With Oveit, you can use our mobile apps to scan electronic and NFT tickets, together with all the included perks. Our NFT ticketing capabilities are built on top of the existing ticketing process – ensuring a smooth process for both. No special hardware or additional software infrastructure is required in order to use our smart ticketing solution.

When it comes to costs, we’ve kept them simple as well. While Oveit runs on a subscription model, for NFT tickets we’ll take care of all the minting costs and charge just a small percentage of the cost of these tickets. This way, you’re sure that you will never have to pay anything extra for the blockchain technology that supports the NFT tickets – you’ll pay just for the minted tickets.

Final words

We hope this article helped you get a better understanding of how we address the main concerns regarding NFT ticketing. And although we’ve focused on what are, according to Chat GPTthe 3 most common, we know that there are other questions you may have. So here is what we want you to do:

If you have an NFT ticketing-related question for which you haven’t found an answer, leave it in the comments. And we’ll answer it for you. Meanwhile, we’ll keep asking Chat GPT to see if other relevant questions appear – and we’ll update this article accordingly.

what is an NFT ticket?

What is an NFT ticket?

Although NFTs represent one of the hottest topics, it’s often difficult to define the exact benefits they come with. The same applies to NFT tickets, of course. So during this article, we will try to explain what an NFT ticket is by naming the main benefits it brings to the events industry. 

While an NFT is a digital record that comes with a computer program attached, in general, they are associated with what meets the eye. The (often not so) pretty pictures. But an NFT ticket is not just a pretty picture. It’s a pretty picture (or gif, or movie) that is disrupting the entertainment industry. And it does it providing utility through the use of blockchain ledgers. This makes it the perfect example of technology used right.

It’s very easy to set up an event and sell electronic tickets. Also for the buyers, the process is similar to buying any electronic ticket. They just need to add it to their digital wallets. Easy to use technology at scale. 

But once the NFT ticket is created (or minted), the opportunities become unlimited. This new technology is not just solving many of the current issues faced by the industry, it’s actually creating new experiences and opportunities. This is why we truly believe that NFTs in the form of event tickets provide one of the biggest opportunities and are the leading example of the utility provided by blockchain technology.

Now really, what is an NFT ticket?

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are unique digital records created on a blockchain network. Meaning that once created (minted), they can’t be altered or changed. Physical or digital assets (basically anything you can imagine, such as an event ticket, a picture, a song, a video, etc.) are stored with proof of ownership and their entire transaction history. Smart contracts (small computer programs) are associated with NFTs, allowing them to act based on a set of predefined rules.

So an NFT ticket is a digital token stored on the blockchain and has the access credentials (and many other extra benefits provided by the event organizer) embedded within itself. It’s a smart ticket with superpowers that disrupts the entire event industry. And it does it by providing easy access to a complete set of benefits for all parties involved. 

The benefits of adopting NFT ticketing

To get a better understanding of what an NFT ticket is and how it improves the existing processes, let’s focus on the benefits it creates for event organizers, artists, and attendees alike.

NFT ticket issued by Oveit - print screen from Twitter
source: Twitter

An NFT ticket gives you full control over its distribution

One of the biggest problems in event ticketing is scalping – large numbers of tickets are bought with the sole intent of reselling them for a large and quick profit. This action has a high negative impact on the overall attendee experience and creates profit on the (more than) gray secondary market. 

But NFT tickets give the initial seller over the ticket distribution on both the primary and secondary markets. For starters, transactions can be checked on the blockchain and you can see if the same wallet is engaged in multiple transactions. 

Furthermore, as programmable digital assets, resale prices can be embedded into the ticket. So even if somebody buys numerous items, they won’t be able to sell them for a large profit.  You decide the upper and lower limits for which the event tickets can be resold. This way, you are protecting your attendees from those looking to make quick money from their passion.

Royalties and access to the secondary market

With an NFT ticket, you can even get access to the secondary market income. The smart contract of the NFT can be pre-programmed so that a specific cut from every resale is sent back to its issuer. 

Known under the name of Royalties, this benefit allows event organizers and artists to get paid for their work long after the event has taken place. Especially as NFT tickets are digital collectibles that don’t lose their value once the gig is over.

NFT tickets have collectible value

Photo by Dylan Mullins on Unsplash

Event tickets are very interesting items for collectors and they would often pay small fortunes to get their hands on them. Until now, it was extremely difficult to check the authenticity of a ticket. Especially long after the event was over. But the nature of an NFT ticket makes this process extremely transparent. The authenticity of the NFT, as well as its ownership and entire transaction history, can be checked, protecting the buyer against fraudsters and increasing the value of the item.

An NFT ticket protects your community from scammers

One of the downsides of electronic tickets is that they can be forged. And while you may prevent somebody from entering the event premises with a false ticket, it’s impossible to stop scammers from selling false tickets. Or to (re) sell the same ticket to tens or hundreds of honest buyers. One of the biggest problems buyers are currently facing is checking the authenticity of tickets bought from secondary markets. As event tickets come in limited editions. And after a certain period of time, they become available only at resale. Once an event is sold out, people are willing to pay extra just to get the opportunity to attend the event. But they often become victims of scammers that:

  1. Sell fake tickets.
  2. Sell the same authentic ticket more than once.

But as the authenticity of an NFT ticket can be verified on the blockchain network, the same ticket cannot be sold by two people at the same time. It also eliminates the possibility of creating fake tickets, making transactions from secondary markets as safe as the ones operated by the event organizer, thus protecting your community.

The nature of the ticket also makes it almost impossible to lose it. It’s stored in a digital wallet and can be easily accessed by its rightful owner. 

Create immersive experiences with NFT Tickets. Offline and online

Using digital technology to enhance a live event is a perfect opportunity for the events industry. Your event attendees can get first access to future releases, online shows, merchandise, and even digital artwork by purchasing an NFT ticket. Possibilities are endless as these smart assets are governed by programmable smart contracts. 

But as we were mentioning before, these digital assets can be used to represent both physical and digital assets. Merchandise can be easily prepacked within an NFT event ticket and claimed whenever your attendee finds it suitable. 

Is there anything else an NFT ticket can be? Yes, an NFT ticket can be even a payment tool used at your event. It can be programmed to store a monetary value that can be used at your events or throughout entire networks of partners.

Final words

While the scope of this article is to explain what an NFT ticket is, we are sure that it won’t take long before all tickets are going to be NFT tickets. The benefits powered by this technology are transforming the industry, making it safer and more profitable for those creating these experiences.

Furthermore, despite the technical complexity that stands behind them, NFT tickets are extremely easy to use. For issuers and buyers alike. With Oveit, you don’t need any technical know-how. It’s easy to set up your event and start selling NFT tickets. While we are taking care of all the technical aspects of the process, you can focus on creating the experiences everybody will talk about.

How can blockchain technology improve the travel and tourism industry?

According to robust data, the travel and tourism industry is the second-fastest-growing sector in the world, after manufacturing. The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) concluded that in 2018, travel and tourism increased by 3.9%, more than the global GDP growth of 3.2%. As we speak, the Coronavirus outbreak generates a degree of uncertainty related to how and when the travel and tourism sector will get back to normal. However, we consider that destinations around the world begin to accept this delicate situation with a number of precautionary measures in place. Besides recommended measures coming from local authorities, such as social distancing and proper hygiene, we believe that travel and tourism organizations have the proper resources to integrate innovative technologies, such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

If used accordingly, blockchain and cryptocurrencies can contribute to the comfort and safety of a traveler’s journey. It can provide a new experience in terms of booking travel tickets and hotel rooms, removing intermediaries out of the way. For the purpose of this article, we’re going to explore different applications of blockchain technology in the travel and tourism industry.

First, what is blockchain technology exactly?

Even if it might sound confusing at first, it is actually pretty straight-forward to understand the basics of it. It can be looked at as a list of public records, also known as public ledger, with transactions between parties listed or stored in a transparent manner. Individual entries are encrypted and grouped into blocks that form a chain, therefore leading to the blockchain terminology.

The main characteristic and differentiator of the blockchain technology is that data is decentralized, meaning that it becomes available throughout the different nodes or computers part of the network. Copies of the compiled information are available on individual devices that are part of the network. In other words, the information stored is shared across a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. It is completely transparent, and it cannot be altered without the permission of the entire network and without modifying all subsequent blocks.

Applications of blockchain in Travel and Tourism

Recently, blockchain has gained a lot of interest in the travel and tourism industry. An increasing number of major companies have incorporated this technology in their list of offerings. Below, there are different ways in which blockchain technology might be used in the travel and tourism sector.

  • Lower transaction costs

The implication of intermediaries has inevitably been one key issue in the travel and tourism sector. These third parties involved in the booking process of hotels, airlines and other travel service suppliers result in additional fees for the end-user (tourist or traveler). TripAdvisor is an example of a third party that charges additional fees for their available services.

With the employment of blockchain technology, the long chain of intermediaries that results in delays and financial losses can be simplified. It is an ideal way to close the “gaps” made by different payment providers. At the moment, travel agents wait on average 60 days to earn their commission after a client checks out, because of the many parties involved in the payment cycle. Commission reconciliation can be a real hustle among travel agents. Travelport, a B2C travel service provider decided to adopt IBM’s Hyperledger Fabric to assure commissions paid to travel agencies. The main purpose of this partnership is to decrease the number of third parties involved in the payment cycle, by relying on blockchain in the process of a booking.

  • Trucking luggage

I bet that some of you that are reading this post have experienced issues with claiming a luggage, especially when dealing with international destinations. It’s definitely not a good start for a holiday or business trip. A traveler’s baggage is subject to several automated and manual processes, before being picked up at the final destination. This luggage itinerary is stored in a non-standardized form by the parties involved and these parties include airlines personnel, transportation companies, airports, and local authorities.

Blockchain, with its online-record keeping system stored on a peer-to-peer network can be a game changer and step up the way in which airlines tackle the problems of lost luggage. This way, both customers and airlines can track a luggage in all stages of its transfer process, offering full transparency to the process. Therefore, if a bag is mistakenly left behind, airlines can easily access its entire journey and identify the exact point where it went missing and the reason for that.

Back in 2017, Air New Zealand partnered up with Winding Tree, a decentralized Swiss travel start-up. The main purpose of this collaboration was to explore applications of blockchain technology in the airline’s business. Their mission was to improve  security and efficiency of services, such as baggage tracking and ticket booking.

  • Traveller’s identification

As blockchain does not store information on a central database, the customer identification process can save up a considerable amount of time by using this technology. It can even replace passports and become an industry standard for storing such personal information.

The World Economic Forum along the governments of Canada and the Netherlands launched a pilot program for paperless journeys between the two countries. This new project, entitled Known Traveller Digital Identity (KTDI), is the only solution to use digital identity for international trips, giving the traveler’s full control over how their own data is used. Personal data that is usually stored on a passport’s chip is replaced by encrypted data stored in a traveler’s digital wallet and it becomes available on mobile devices. Compared to old-fashioned ID systems that are operated by centralized authorities, KTDI is based on blockchain technology.

  • Secure and traceable transactions with Cryptocurrencies

An increasing number of companies in the travel and tourism sector begin to realize that accepting cryptocurrencies as a payment alternative creates a seamless purchase behavior. The major benefit that cryptocurrencies brings with it is that it eliminates traditional payment methods that rely on third-party payment apps. This way, transactions can occur between two entities directly involved. Payments based on blockchain technology will also decrease the time needed for completion of payments, resulting in faster transaction speed and more sales.

Another benefit is that cryptocurrencies replace the need of exchanging money into the local currency. It eliminates currency exchange commissions and users can take advantage of the same value no matter where they are. Forget about spending part of your allocated budget on bank commissions.

Given the various benefits of accepting crypto payments in travel and tourism, there are still some gaps that need to be addressed. It is not enough for a single entity to accept cryptocurrencies. For example, a travel agency that accepts crypto payments will still have to exchange those to Fiat money to contract services from providers that do not accept digital currencies. It is a matter of time until other parties involved will realize the benefits it brings with it.

Final thoughts

There is no doubt that blockchain technology has enough features and resources to revolutionize the travel and tourism industry. However, this innovative technology is still in the early stages of its life. To take advantage of its unique features, such as personal identification, governments and other authorities should have a good understanding of the benefits that it brings to the table. Anyway, many organizations from the travel and tourism industry begin to find out its applicability and that’s obviously a good sign for those involved in it.