Introducing Advanced Data Export for Events API – Your Event Buddy Adee

We’ve been chatting with a lot of event organizers and we discovered you need more control over your event registration data. Also – smoother connections with other systems. Guess what? We’re super excited to bring you the good news today! Oveit is leaping ahead with our newest innovation: the Advanced Data Export Engine for Events, a real game-changer for your events. It’s a bit of a tongue-twister, so let’s call it Adee for short. Like a friend, because it’s friendly and here to help.

I can’t wait to dive into why this is going to change event management for you.

At Oveit we’re passionate about making event registrations super-easy, payments smooth, and access control for your events a breeze. We believe in doing fewer things, but doing them as good as we can. And then doing them again to make them better. That’s why we prefer great connections with other tools over all-in-one rigid solutions.

AI rendition of Adee. Friendly and helpful like how it should be.

To make this happen we have rewriten our infrastructure to provide a rock-solid API, the backbone of Adee. Think of Oveit as your personal data copilot, helping you bridge event data across various platforms.

What’s the data I can work with and How does it work?

Let’s see what data you can tap into.

Customer Form

The Customer Form is where the magic starts. It’s a custom data form that your buyers fill in. It can capture anything from food preferences to T-shirt sizes or even complex data like workshop choices. Why is this important? Well, when you export this data to your CRM or marketing tools, you can personalize your attendees’ experiences and communicate with them more effectively.

Registration Form

The Registration Form data comes from your actual event-goers. This is like the Customer Form but for those who show up on the day. It’s the key to understanding who your attendees are and what they like. With this, you can tailor the event in real-time, making on-the-spot decisions to enhance the visitor experience. Or use the data later to communicate with them post event and make the next event even better.

Adee - managing event visitors data


Think of Addons as the special layers to your event burger. These are the extra benefits that come with a ticket – like merch, VIP seating, or backstage passes. By exporting this data, you can coordinate with vendors, manage inventory, and ensure exclusive perks are delivered without a hitch. Plus, you can use it to help marketing activations from your sponsors great.

Wallet Credit

The Wallet Credit is a digital balance that attendees can spend at your event. This is can help increase spending and local vendors activity. It can also work as a revenue source for you. The data here provides insights into spending habits of visitors and can work great with event wearables such as NFC wrisbtands.

Wearables work great with Adee


The Customer entity is all about the payments – billing information from buyers, whether they are individuals or a company. This intel is gold for your accounting team as well as your B2B sales team, helping to streamline invoices, and for your sales team, to identify VIP clients or companies for future events.


Voucher data is all about the codes – vouchers, invites, referrals, affiliates, influencers. This data helps you track marketing&sales efforts and partnerships. Connect this with your marketing platforms, and you can see which channels are driving your sales.

Tickets & Badge Links

Finally, the Tickets & Badge Links help you use the tickets or personalized badges outside of Oveit. We send them their way but maybe you can use them somehow else. These links are where visitors grab their badges or tickets.

In summary, Oveit’s Advanced Data Export Engine, your friendly Adee, doesn’t just give you numbers; it offers insights into your attendees’ journey, from the moment they buy a ticket to the final goodbye. By integrating this data with other platforms, you create an ecosystem that’s in tune with your attendees’ needs, preferences, and behaviors, setting the stage for successful events that people talk about long after the lights go out.

Why Your Event Management App Sucks: The Problem with All-in-One Platforms

Convenience means having everything in the same app, right? I beg to differ and here’s why, especially when it comes to event management:

Jack of all trades, master of none

An app that tries to be everything to everyone often ends up excelling at nothing. When a platform packs in a lot of features, from event registration to networking to virtual events and beyond, the depth and expertise in each tool decreases drastically. It’s like a Swiss Army knife with too many options – it might do the job, but it won’t do it well. Actually, when it comes to technology, the complexity is exponentially higher. The chances you will get it right on any given task are much smaller.

The standard in event experience OS – the Wenger Swiss Army 16999 Giant Knife

Maintenance is costly and you are paying for it

Maintaining a lot of features within an all-in-one platform takes a lot of effort. From understanding customer problems to designing, implementing and maintaining the solution – this is hard. You might not know this but the cost of upkeep and development is passed onto you, the end user. What’s even worse is it often results in compromised quality across the board. Developers’ focus becomes divided among numerous features, frameworks, legacy code. This draws attention from building strong, core, easy to use solutions.

Imagine investing in an event management app that promises everything from virtual events to networking capabilities to ticketing and registration. And it has a CRM. And provides hotel bookings. And they will surely come to your office riding a pink unicorn.

Sounds cool, right? Well – just think of the complexity of social networking. The 7th largest global company, a company worth more than $800 billion does just that (Yeah, that would be Meta). Think about this when the next platform says it does “networking too”. Specialized networking apps, such as Brella and Grip, focus solely on building connections, and they are great at that.

Integrate specialized tools – it’s a lot simpler now

If you choose to integrate specialized tools it will empower your experience to improve exponentially. This way you can curate the perfect suite of solution. Imagine the Avengers, but for event planning.

Instead of being tied to the limitations of an all-in-one platform, organizers can handpick tools that work great in their area.

These specialized tools can integrate into a streamlined system. This way you can use their individual strengths without compromising functionality or user experience.

Innovation comes from focus and specialization

Specialized tools are agile in adapting to evolving industry trends. They pave the way for innovation by focusing and honing in on specific problems. Unlike all-in-one platforms, which struggle to keep pace with rapid changes across multiple features, specialized tools can embrace new technologies fast. This helps your event stay at the forefront of innovation and deliver better experience.

Specialized tools for events just fit better

Think of specialized event tools like a perfectly tailored outfit—they fit just right! These tools, whether handling event registrations, payments, or access, are like having the perfect tool for each job. They make things run smoother than a greased-up slide. By being laser-focused on their specific tasks, they ensure everyone has an easier and more enjoyable time.

They’re like serving up a gourmet meal instead of a confusing buffet.

Flexibility – like yoga for events:

Specialized event tools are the yoga masters of event management – super flexible! As your event grows or changes, these tools bend and twist to fit your needs.

At Oveit, we believe in the power of focus.

While the allure of all-in-one platforms may be tempting, we are committed to building specialized tools that excel in their functions. We understand that event registration, streamlined payments, and seamless integration are vital for our part in the experience economy (that’s fancy talk for “your event”).

Our approach is simple and we think it’s powerful: we specialize, we streamline, and we connect.

Our goal is to build the perfect event registration processes and make it intuitive, flexible, secure, and efficient. Our payment solutions are designed to streamline transactions and make the attendee experience seamless and hassle-free. Additionally, our robust API empowers you to connect with other tools. This way you can create your tailored ecosystem that fits your unique event needs.

Oveit’s Event Listings: Less Clutter, More Fun

Hey y’all, event planners and all you event enthusiasts out there, hold onto your event registrations because Oveit has a fantastic facelift in the events listings section. Let’s dive in and see why the new event listings are a big improvement for all you event aficionados.

Simplified and amplified event dashboard listings

1. Clarity reigns supreme:

Imagine scrolling through your event dashboard and getting hit with a barrage of data that leaves you feeling like you’re reading the Matrix. Yup, that was Oveit until this week! Now your events’ relevant stats are easier to scan than your grocery list. We’ve trimmed the fat, removed the redundant, and served you a clean plate of event information. So, no more playing hide-and-seek with critical details!

2. Action-packed interface:

The goal for our new design is to put the spotlight on the actions you want to take – whether it’s editing your event, checking the number of attendees (because we all want to know if it’s going to be a rager or a snoozer), sharing your event on social media to let the world know it’s going down, or adding those precious tickets at the registration desk.

3. More info, less scrolling:

Our UX wizards have waved their magic wand and transformed the event listings from an inline display to a sleek column and row system. More information at your fingertips, and less scrolling means you’ll save more time for things that matter, like selecting the best speakers, making sure visitors get a fun experience and you get peace of minds.

4. Mobile first makes it easier to stay connected:

Let’s face it, mobile devices are practically our best friends, and we know it. The new event listings are optimized for mobile viewing, so you can plan events while you’re waiting in line for your morning coffee. Your events are now truly at your fingertips, wherever you go!

Find the right data easily

5. Reports, reports, and more reports:

You know those full event reports that you’ve been sifting through, desperately searching for a golden nugget of information? Well, we tried to help and moved them to a dedicated ‘event reports‘ section. It’s like moving from a cluttered attic to a swanky penthouse – spacious, organized, and oh-so-sophisticated. Plus, it sets the stage for more amazing future event reporting features.

6. Clean and clear:

We revamped the look and feel of events, creating a clear distinction between active, archived, and permanent events. With tags like ‘Published,’ ‘Draft,’ and ‘Finished,’ you’ll always know where your event stands. It’s like having a butler at your service, only virtual.

Guess where you can click to create a new event

7. Create your next dream event:

You’re at the end of your event listings, and what do you see? A big, bold, “create event” button beckoning you to let your creativity run wild. At Oveit we are all about making your event planning dreams come true, and this button is the gateway to your event wonderland. So go ahead, click it, and make magic happen!

Alright, ready to test the new flow? Head over to your events section and see how it feels.

Are NFTs usable in large events?

Due to their specific nature, NFTs have rapidly gained attention and traction. The blockchain-based digital assets solve many of our current problems in several industries. And event management makes no difference here. However, although they have been used for numerous events, there is a legit question: are NFTs usable in large events? During this article we are going to answer this question, arguing why we could and should use NFTs in events. Be they large or small.

While blockchain technologies in general and NFTs, in particular, serve a wide range of industries, entertainment is one particular area where these technologies will completely change how stakeholders interact. It’s going to change it fast, making the industry safer, equitable, more engaging & entertaining, and ensuring a more equitable financial distribution amongst creators. And most importantly, NFTs will help you serve your attendees better.

Let’s see how!

How NFTs are helping event organizers

As an event organizer, delivering an enjoyable experience to your community is the top priority. However, regardless of the amount of work you put in, some things are just out of your control. But fear not: some of these issues can be easily solved through NFTs. 

One of the biggest concerns, especially when it comes to large events, is related to event tickets. Unlike other goods, tickets to an event, no matter how big the event is, are limited. No matter how much we would like to, there is a limit that cannot be exceeded. And this makes event tickets extremely highly desired. The bigger the demand, the bigger the problems.

French minister says 70% of Champions League final tickets were fake

There are two issues that currently used technologies cannot solve. Ticket fraud and secondary market sales. Although related, let’s approach them one at a time.

Tackling ticket fraud with NFT tickets

Like in the above example, for highly coveted events, fraudsters will create and sell fake tickets. No matter the security measures you take, somebody will find a way to replicate and sell them. This can lead to unpleasant situations where a large number of attendees, that paid to join an experience, are forbidden from entering the event premises. With large events, this can easily turn into public safety concerns.

Another used method is selling the same legit ticket multiple times. There have been cases when hundreds of guiltless attendees arrived at the gates holding the same, valid, ticket. Unpleasant to say the least. 

Through their immutable nature, NFTs tickets will protect your community against fraudsters. These digital assets cannot be copied or altered, and the blockchain network on which they are issued and deployed is guaranteeing each new item. So it’s going to be impossible to release batches of fake tickets and try to scam your community.

At the same time, as these NFTs are minted into a digital wallet, the same NFT ticket cannot have multiple owners at the same time. Unless you decide otherwise. Nobody will be able to sell the same legit ticket to multiple buyers at once.

Transforming the secondary market

a human hand holding approximately 10 paper event tickets
Photo by Andy Li on Unsplash

Unlike the first example, secondary market transactions are in a gray area. While some of these transactions are 100% legit, some are immoral or illegal. While it’s only normal for someone that can’t make it to an event to sell the ticket to someone else, things dramatically change when we talk about scalpers automatically buying thousands of tickets just to resell them for a profit. 

But NFT tickets are giving you full control not over the initial sale, but over transactions taking place on the secondary market as well. As NFTs are connected to crypto wallets, you can limit the number of tickets that can be minted to a specific wallet address. Thus preventing scalpers to buy large quantities of tickets from your initial releases. 

And as NFTs are governed by smart contracts, this means that they can be programmed to act in specific ways when certain criteria are met. You can set upper and lower prices for secondary market sales or even block them from reselling. Although eliminating the reselling option is not recommended for large events, setting up reselling limits will protect your community against those looking to make an easy profit from your work. But as we will see in the next chapters, secondary market resale can open a new revenue stream for event organizers.

New revenue streams for event organizers

But setting up lower and upper limits for reselling is not the only way to customize the NFTs smart contract. The option to set up royalties is one of the reasons that drove the rapid adoption of NFTs. Here is how this works: each time the NFT is part of a transaction, a certain percentage goes back to its original issuer. In fact, the smart contract can be set up to include multiple parties, not just the original issuer. But you get the point: NFT tickets can help event organizers not control how tickets are distributed on the secondary market, but also get a cut from those transactions. So, for your events, you can set up a smart contract to get 50% of any profit the reseller makes for your tickets. Or to donate it to charity.

For large events, where many stakeholders are involved, this can also tackle another inaccessible market: the invites. Although not talked about, for any large festival there is a secondary market where invites are sold for profit. As thousands of invites go out to sponsors and partners, a consistent number of those find themselves sold by their initial holders. Although not against the rules, these transactions could be easily controlled by the event organizers through the use of NFTs. And just like for the above example, a smart contract could be set up so that a certain percentage of these transactions finds its way back to those putting up the hard world. Or to any other third party that you may think of.

Improving the event-goers’ experience via NFTs

NFTs play a major role in protecting your community against fraudsters and scalpers. But there are many other ways they help you improve their overall experience. The non-fungible tokens are a digital representation of any physical or digital goods (or services)  that it’s associated with. If we look at them as simple tokenized tickets, the benefit associated would be the access credentials for the event. And maybe some artwork that it comes with. But the truth is that NFTs allow you to customize the experience beyond imagination. 
You can pre-pack goods and services that create immersive experiences. You can allow your community access to special gatherings, exclusive content, and merchandise, all based on one NFT. So the NFT is more than just a pretty picture. Behind the obvious digital artwork, there are countless possibilities waiting for us.

The smart contract that governs the NFT can be set up to include merchandise, access to special areas within the event, or even access to digital experiences. Each of your attendees can easily create and own unique experiences. 

Imagine this scenario: you’re buying a ticket to your favorite band’s gig. You’re including a t-shirt in this purchase, something to eat on-site, and 2 or 3 beverages. And guess what: you’re not buying your average event ticket. You are actually buying an NFT ticket, and this token offers you access to a meet-and-greet online session. Together with a 10% future discount on any new gig where they will perform. And everything is packed up into an NFT that has some digital artwork created by local artists. Quite a collectible digital token, right? Imagine its work 20 years from now. Especially as nobody will ever question the authenticity of this NFT.

Will token-gated events eliminate admission pains?

Not entirely. But they will definitely allow us to have better control over how things are managed on-site. Unlike a classic event ticket, NFTs are accessed through crypto wallets. Meaning that your attendees have 0 chances of losing or misplacing them.

The entire history and authenticity are guaranteed by the blockchain network and fake tickets are completely eliminated. There will be no need for backup checks. You know, the ones that usually keep everyone from getting there faster. The use of NFT tickets will provide better attendance verification. Thus resulting in a more streamlined, efficient, and secure event experience for both organizers and attendees.

While some issues related to event admission cannot be solved by NFTs, they definitely offer you the strings needed to create better overall experiences. And you can further solve these issues by following these tips:

  • Crowd control: By managing crowds properly, you can reduce wait times and line-ups at admission, making the event experience more enjoyable for attendees.
  • Plan ahead: Anticipating potential issues created by big crowds will help prepare and deal with them proactively. Prepare for the worsts, and expect the best.
  • Collaborate with experienced vendors: Experienced vendors, such as security providers, will help you provide a smooth and secure admission.

Potential NFT-related issues

While it’s obvious NFTs are usable in large events, there are technical and logistical challenges you need to consider. And find the right way to overcome them.


One of the first things you need to take into consideration is scalability. Is the system capable of handling increased demand? Large events imply tens of thousands of attendees, meaning that there will be a large number of transactions in a very short period of time. This is why it’s important to choose a solution that is ready to handle these situations. Or you can find yourself in a situation leading to slow processing times and increased gas fees.


As the NFTs are accessed through digital wallets, guests will need to be able to connect online. Although this is an issue in the past, you still need to make sure that your customers can easily access the NFTs. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a very unpleasant situation.

Logistical issues at large events

Simply put, how will you check that NFT on the spot and help your attendee claim the benefits? While in theory, the whole idea of NFTs summing multiple benefits sounds great, you need to have a practical way of actually implementing this scenario.  This is one of the main issues we’ve struggled to solve. And we are confident we’ve found the best way to solve the logistical issues for professionals planning to use NFTs for events and festivals.

Adoption rate

I’ve saved it for last as I find it to be more of a theoretical issue. Although controversy around NFTs exists, their utility becomes clearer with each passing day. Today, roughly 60 million Americans own some form of digital asset. At a global level, almost 1 billion people have transacted some form of cryptocurrency. Blockchain technologies benefit from rapid adoption. It won’t be long until all event tickets will be NFT tickets.

Final words

I think it’s safe to say that NFTs are a game-changer in the event management industry. By eliminating ticket fraud and secondary market issues, they protect all the legit stakeholders. The hard and soul of this industry.

Not only do NFTs keep everyone safe, but they also open up new revenue streams. You can now set up smart contracts with royalty options, and earn a cut of any secondary market profits. But most importantly, NFTs can help you enhance the attendee experience, by merging in-person and digital experiences together. 

So, whether it’s a large or small event, NFTs are definitely worth considering for all your event needs. From access control to payments.

Everything you need to know about hosting a Virtual Wine Tasting

There is no doubt that we all miss our normal lives and activities. A year into the pandemic and most of us still live under imposed restrictions. Well, the good news is that part of our in-person activities which are put on pause as we speak can be replicated in a virtual environment, even when we talk about a virtual wine tasting.

In this post, we’re going to place the focus on virtual wine tastings. The end result replicates really well in-person wine tastings but setting up such an experience is slightly different. For those that would rather experience new wines from the comfort of their own homes, a virtual wine tasting can be a great alternative.

If you are thinking to host a virtual wine tasting, here are some tips that will help you create a memorable experience. 

What is a Virtual Wine Tasting?

Before diving into what it takes to host a virtual wine tasting, let’s begin by briefly describing this relatively new concept. Well, you can think of it as a regular wine tasting (in-person), where participants taste and learn about different wine selections from a winery. While the purpose of both in-person and virtual wine tastings is the same, the main difference lies in how this action is performed. Instead of visiting a winery, the winery comes to your door. In both cases, wineries take care of the whole experience. Their duty is to coordinate the wine shipment, making sure that it arrives at your location in time. Then, organizers will share further details on how to access the virtual wine tasting, including platform capabilities for a better experience. 

Date & Time for your Virtual Wine Tasting

Well, instead of deciding a date & time yourself, provide your audience with the option to do it themselves. To avoid the back and forth texting to find out when everyone’s free, consider using a tool such as Pick. This app integrates with Gmail and Office 365. It simply shows those times when everyone is available. Based on that, you can choose a date & time that hopefully works for everybody that’s interested to attend.

Provide clear tasting instructions ahead of time

To make sure that your wines are enjoyed properly by your audience, provide clear instructions on how the virtual tasting should be approached. When is the right time for your guests to open their wine bottles? Should they preserve the wines at a certain temperature? What about using a clean glass for each wine? Should they taste the wines in a specific order? 

This might seem like a basic piece of information, but communicating it ahead of time can only make you look more organized and professional. If you ship wine kits before the actual virtual wine tasting, it might be a good idea to include those instructions in there. 

Choose a tasting theme

It’s always recommended to decide upon a theme beforehand. In the case of virtual wine testings, a theme translates into deciding on particular wines to taste. These are some common themes when it comes to wine-tasting:

  • Regional

A regional wine tasting theme brings together wines from a particular region. For instance, no other wines are allowed besides those coming from the Veneto region of Italy or any other region.

  • Vertical

A vertical tasting requires a bit more effort since it includes the wine of a producer across a range of years. The key element for a proper vertical tasting is to assure that the wine bottles were stored properly. However, if you manage to put together this type of tasting, the outcome can be great, since your audience can learn about a winemaker’s style, getting familiar with the various vintage styles and how those changed during the years. 

  • Horizontal

This is a common theme for both virtual and in-person wine tastings. It involves wines that are produced in the same year, from different producers. It gives more flexibility since all new releases can be included. 

  • Blind Tasting

This one works best when comparing different types of grapes, like Pinot Grigio, Shiraz, Chardonnay, or Pinot Noir. It can be used as an ice breaker for virtual wine tastings with many participants. The wine labels are covered and participants need to guess the country, grape, and even the price range based on the taste of wine. 

Photo by David Bartus from Pexels

Think of your setting in advance

As the virtual wine tasting host, make sure to choose a setting without distractions. If you go live from your home, tidy up in advance. Run some tests in advance and check your internet connection, camera, and microphone. If you have the option to host the virtual wine tasting inside an actual winery, good for you. That will only make things more fun for your audience. You can surprise them with a virtual tour of the winery before the actual tasting begins, sharing with them your favorite parts of it. 

Custom shipments for your audience

Why not create special packages for your audience? An in-person wine tasting takes care of all the necessary supplies. To make it easier, enable your audience to order their wine supplies in advance. Inside each package, you can include different wines to be tested, food pairings, and maybe some wine glasses as well. 

To present the available packages more engaging instead of simply posting them on your website, why not create a live shopping session? For instance, with, our live stream shopping and virtual event software, creating a live shopping session is as easy as possible. It allows your viewers to purchase different promoted packages, straight from the video. The tool comes with a chat & questions feature, creating engagement and allowing you as the presenter to answer incoming questions in real-time when it matters the most. 

Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

Decide upon a platform

Well, you’ve taken care of all the small details. Now it’s time to choose your technology. This might be the most important step of the process when hosting a virtual wine tasting. In the end, this is where your audience will interact, exchange thoughts, and experience all the hard work that you’ve put in. 

A large number of virtual wine tastings take place on Zoom. It is indeed a reliable and user-friendly video conferencing tool. However, if you want to go that extra mile and create a more personalized experience, closer to your brand and believes, you might consider as well Oveit and Our solutions are interconnected. Oveit is our event registration software, that allows you to register attendees, customize confirmation emails, send out electronic tickets with unique access codes, collect valuable information through fully customizable registration forms and receive direct payments into your account once an order is placed. 

In summary

Who said that in-person wine tastings can’t be replicated in a virtual environment? Social distancing doesn’t exist in the online world and opportunities are limitless. As physical locations, including wineries, remain closed due to the pandemic, events such as virtual wine tastings are a great way to keep a business alive. It is a new way of interacting for all of us, so don’t be afraid to try it out. It won’t be perfect from your first try, which is absolutely normal. One last piece of advice is to always ask for feedback. Your audience is in the right position to provide you with constructive feedback after each virtual wine tasting. 

Stay safe. And cheers!