Announcing EventGPT – your AI copilot for Event Management and Planning

AI is in the process of transforming each industry. Events are no exception. That’s why we decided to help our customers adapt to the new age of AI. It’s my pleasure to introduce a groundbreaking tool designed to empower event professionals: EventGPT. Developed by our team at Oveit, EventGPT is built on the cutting-edge capabilities of OpenAI’s GPT-4 model, and aims to be the become your AI for Event Management.

Click above to start using EventGPT

EventGPT is another step in our plan to help the event planning process, making it more intuitive, efficient, and impactful. By using the power of AI, we aim to offer event planners a digital companion that not only simplifies their workflow but also enhances the overall event experience for everyone involved.

EventGPT is free to use for OpenAI Plus Subscribers.

The Inspiration Behind EventGPT

The journey to create EventGPT started with conversations with our customers. We discovered that event planners face a myriad of challenges, from logistical hurdles, to unforeseen blackswan events (yes, the pandemic) to the constant pressure of innovation. While they are aware of the general trend of AI, no actual tool has been built around their needs.

Our mission at Oveit has always been to support these professionals by providing solutions that help their work and foster creativity. Building upon OpenAI’s GPT-4 model, we saw an opportunity to offer a specialised, AI-driven assistant that caters to the specific needs of the event planning industry.

How EventGPT Empowers Event Planners

EventGPT is designed with the event planner in mind, offering a specialised support for event planners in creating unforgettable experiences:

  • Streamlined event setup: From registration and payments to scheduling, EventGPT provides guidance on every aspect of event preparation, making the process smooth and stress-free.
  • Expand networking opportunities: By identifying and suggesting networking possibilities, EventGPT ensures that attendees can connect with the right peers and open new relationships and opportunities.
  • Data-driven insights: Future integrations will enable EventGPT to offer analytics on visitor behavior and trends, offering event planners insights and ideas on how to optimize their events and future offering.
  • Seamless integrations: EventGPT plans to support easy integration with Oveit and third-party applications, enhancing functionality and flexibility for event organizers. This builts on top our newly launched Oveit 2 support and the open and secure data platform that is key to its infrastructure (Adee).
  • Continuous improvement: As new AI capabilities are developed and launched, EventGPT will evolve, incorporating the latest advancements to offer even more value to event planners.

Future plans: A glimpse into what’s next for AI in Event Management

Our roadmap for EventGPT is ambitious. What’s more important, as everything with Oveit, the road ahead is built around the needs of event professionals. Key future developments include:

  • Oveit deep integration: Making event setup through Oveit endlessly simple, providing a seamless experience from planning to execution.
  • Advanced data analytics engine: Offering deep insights into visitor behavior, helping planners tailor their events for maximum engagement and impact.
  • Leveraging new AI innovations: As OpenAI and the wider AI community unveils new capabilities, EventGPT will incorporate these features to remain at the forefront of AI-driven event planning.
  • Expanded third-party app integrations: We believe in open ecosystems. We think there is no one size that fits all events. That’s why we are working on growing the ecosystem around Oveit 2 and EventGPT to ensure it integrates and works great with the best of breed tools event planners already use and love.
  • Networking enhancements: One of the key needs event goers have is networking and socialising. We believe new LLMs have transformed recommenders systems so we plan on expanding EventGPT to actively suggest and build networking opportunities. In turn we belive this will help attendees make the most out of every event.

Simplifying Event Planning: key benefits at a glance

EventGPT is here to change the game for event planners, offering:

  • Ease of use: The system simplifies the complexities of event planning with AI-powered assistance.
  • Efficiency: EventGPT saves time with automated suggestions for event setup and management.
  • Insights: Gain valuable insights into how to improve events and meet business goals.
  • Networking: Enhance attendee experience by facilitating meaningful connections.

But it goes far beyond:

  1. Customized event planning advice: just feed in your problems and you can find tailored solutions for your event by using the AI’s learning capabilities. EventGPT can offer personalized recommendations for the specific objectives and themes of each event. This helps ensure that every aspect of the event is aligned your vision and goals.
  2. Real-time problem solving: Imagine you can have along you a magical team of uber-assistants, helping you solve the unforeseen. With AI assistance, event planners can receive immediate advice on how to address unexpected challenges, from managing last-minute schedule changes to handling day-of event issues. This enhances the overall speed and effectiveness of event management.
  3. Improved attendee engagement: EventGPT can analyze past event data (easy to access through Adee) to suggest engagement strategies that increase attendee participation and satisfaction. This helps planners design interactive sessions, networking opportunities, and engagement activities that resonate with their audience.
  4. Excelent event communication: By automating and optimizing communication with attendees, from registration confirmations to follow-up surveys, EventGPT helps maintain a clear and consistent line of communication, improving the attendee experience and reducing the administrative burden on organizers.
  5. Sustainability guidance: Events need to be increasingly sustainable. EventGPT can offer insights into how to make events more sustainable and eco-friendly, advising on everything from digital registration processes to waste reduction strategies, aligning with the growing emphasis on environmental responsibility in event planning.
  6. Budget optimization: With AI-driven insights into cost-saving opportunities and budget management, EventGPT can help event planners allocate resources more efficiently, ensuring that they can maximize the impact of their events while staying within budget constraints.
  7. Improved vendor selection and management: AI can assist in identifying and evaluating vendors, from venues to caterers, based on past performance, reviews, and cost-effectiveness, streamlining the selection process and ensuring that event planners have access to the best possible partners.
  8. Data security and compliance: EventGPT can guide event planners through the complexities of data protection regulations, ensuring that attendee information is handled securely and in compliance with relevant laws, such as GDPR for European attendees.
  9. Future-proofing events: With ongoing updates and integration of the latest AI innovations, EventGPT ensures that event planners have access to the most advanced tools and strategies, keeping them ahead of industry trends and technological advancements.

As we launch EventGPT, our excitement is matched only by our commitment to supporting the event planning community. This is just the beginning of a journey to redefine what’s possible in event management through AI. We invite you to join us in this revolution, leveraging EventGPT to create better events with ease.

Oveit 2: Easy Teamwork, Seamless App Integration for Event Management

In the last 20 years, event management has often meant being locked into closed systems. Event management software companies kept everything in-house, leading to sub-par event apps, lead retrieval, customer and speaker management, marketing automation and basically any other app. For event organizers, this meant compromising innovation and quality for the sake of convenience.

Today we are releasing Oveit 2, an event tool focused on open standards. Oveit 2 is here to change what it means to organize an event, starting with event registration. It’s focus: keeping the data flow open and connected. We’ve made it easy to work with the apps you already use and to team up more effectively. Think of Oveit 2 as a tool that brings everyone in your event – from organizers to speakers – closer together, making every part of your event work better. It’s simpler, smarter event management for everyone.

An updated look and feel, with a focus on creating better experiences, easier

So – what does this mean for users that log into their account starting today?

Revamped interface for an improved event management

The event registration software experience is now more intuitive with Oveit 2’s cleaner interface. This redesign focuses on improving your access to the most relevant features, ensuring that every tool you need for successful event management is at your fingertips.

Streamlined navigation with new toolbar

In Oveit 2, we have integrated a toolbar in the left-hand area, specifically designed for event registration software. This toolbar is your gateway to easily managing event registration, marketing, reporting, financial management, and customer relationships. By consolidating these critical features in one accessible location, we aim to enhance your workflow and save valuable time.

Expanding horizons with the ‘Apps’ section

Our event registration software now includes an ‘Apps’ section, a one-stop destination where you can find and integrate with your favorite applications. Whether it’s CRM, marketing automation, or virtual event software, this addition ensures that Oveit 2 works seamlessly with the tools you already use, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your event planning process.

If you are a software company that wants to plug into Oveit, don’t hesitate to connect with us. We’d love to understand how we can partner up to make events work better together.

Enhanced team collaboration features

We understand the importance of teamwork in event organization so Oveit 2 places a special emphasis on the “Team” section. This feature is designed to help with easier collaboration within teams, a huge part of using event registration software effectively. By onboarding and helping coordinate among team members, Oveit 2 makes it simpler to organize and launch successful events.

User-friendly enhancements for a smooth experience

Alongside these major updates, Oveit 2 includes several other user-friendly enhancements. These small yet beautiful touches are key to making your event work easier and better.

We’re excited to find out how you’ll use Oveit 2 in your events.

Introducing Advanced Data Export for Events API – Your Event Buddy Adee

We’ve been chatting with a lot of event organizers and we discovered you need more control over your event registration data. Also – smoother connections with other systems. Guess what? We’re super excited to bring you the good news today! Oveit is leaping ahead with our newest innovation: the Advanced Data Export Engine for Events, a real game-changer for your events. It’s a bit of a tongue-twister, so let’s call it Adee for short. Like a friend, because it’s friendly and here to help.

I can’t wait to dive into why this is going to change event management for you.

At Oveit we’re passionate about making event registrations super-easy, payments smooth, and access control for your events a breeze. We believe in doing fewer things, but doing them as good as we can. And then doing them again to make them better. That’s why we prefer great connections with other tools over all-in-one rigid solutions.

AI rendition of Adee. Friendly and helpful like how it should be.

To make this happen we have rewriten our infrastructure to provide a rock-solid API, the backbone of Adee. Think of Oveit as your personal data copilot, helping you bridge event data across various platforms.

What’s the data I can work with and How does it work?

Let’s see what data you can tap into.

Customer Form

The Customer Form is where the magic starts. It’s a custom data form that your buyers fill in. It can capture anything from food preferences to T-shirt sizes or even complex data like workshop choices. Why is this important? Well, when you export this data to your CRM or marketing tools, you can personalize your attendees’ experiences and communicate with them more effectively.

Registration Form

The Registration Form data comes from your actual event-goers. This is like the Customer Form but for those who show up on the day. It’s the key to understanding who your attendees are and what they like. With this, you can tailor the event in real-time, making on-the-spot decisions to enhance the visitor experience. Or use the data later to communicate with them post event and make the next event even better.

Adee - managing event visitors data


Think of Addons as the special layers to your event burger. These are the extra benefits that come with a ticket – like merch, VIP seating, or backstage passes. By exporting this data, you can coordinate with vendors, manage inventory, and ensure exclusive perks are delivered without a hitch. Plus, you can use it to help marketing activations from your sponsors great.

Wallet Credit

The Wallet Credit is a digital balance that attendees can spend at your event. This is can help increase spending and local vendors activity. It can also work as a revenue source for you. The data here provides insights into spending habits of visitors and can work great with event wearables such as NFC wrisbtands.

Wearables work great with Adee


The Customer entity is all about the payments – billing information from buyers, whether they are individuals or a company. This intel is gold for your accounting team as well as your B2B sales team, helping to streamline invoices, and for your sales team, to identify VIP clients or companies for future events.


Voucher data is all about the codes – vouchers, invites, referrals, affiliates, influencers. This data helps you track marketing&sales efforts and partnerships. Connect this with your marketing platforms, and you can see which channels are driving your sales.

Tickets & Badge Links

Finally, the Tickets & Badge Links help you use the tickets or personalized badges outside of Oveit. We send them their way but maybe you can use them somehow else. These links are where visitors grab their badges or tickets.

In summary, Oveit’s Advanced Data Export Engine, your friendly Adee, doesn’t just give you numbers; it offers insights into your attendees’ journey, from the moment they buy a ticket to the final goodbye. By integrating this data with other platforms, you create an ecosystem that’s in tune with your attendees’ needs, preferences, and behaviors, setting the stage for successful events that people talk about long after the lights go out.

What are Cycle Meetings and How to set them up: A Short Playbook to Event Registration Success

First of all – what are cycle meetings? A cycle meeting is like a regular team meeting, happening in companies every few months or once a year. All or most departments in the company come together for a big meeting. The main goal? To talk about how things are going and plan for the future.

Imagine this as a high-level check-up. Each department presents their recent actions and achievements. The objective? Assess what’s working and identify areas that might need fine-tuning. It’s essentially a platform for refining strategies and making sure everyone is aligned with the company’s big goals.

Cycle meetings are not just about reports; they’re basically a team-building exercise. They help build a collective mindset and remind everyone how they can work together. It’s an opportunity for review and forward planning, helping the company grow and adapt.

You can picture this scenario not confined to a traditional boardroom but possibly outdoors or in a more relaxed atmosphere. Why? Because it’s easier to help build the team when everyone is relaxed but engaged.

Why cycle meetings are useful:

  • Strategic alignment: Cycle meetings serve as a compass to guide the whole organization through changes in the market;
  • Progress and challenges: These gatherings are a stage for presenting progress, dissecting key challenges, and understanding which are the next steps in how the company moves forward.
  • Team sync: By bringing all key stakeholders on board several times a year, cycle meetings ensure that everyone is in sync and can collaborate.

The key parts in making cycle meetings happen

  • Initiation and scheduling: Identify the need for a cycle meeting based on company needs and schedule regular gatherings based on the team’s availability.
  • Structure in the event setup: Conduct meetings with a well-defined agenda, encouraging open communication and collaboration among team members.
  • Improve continuously: Document decisions and action items, monitor progress, and use feedback to refine the efficiency of following meetings.

Event Registration: planning the event and making sure everything runs smoothly

  • Choose a tool to help you set up the meeting: Use a robust event registration platform like Oveit to create a centralized hub for all registration-related activities.
  • Integration with internal systems: Automate follow up, communications and others by integrating your event registration with internal planning tools, communication apps and other systems to ensure a smooth flow of information.
  • Analytics and personalization: Leverage event registration analytics for data-driven decisions, personalize VIP experiences, and targeted communication.

Your action plan for event registration Excellence

  1. Event registration: Choose a versatile event registration platform like Oveit for its features, user-friendliness, and adaptability.
  2. Integration: Link registration with CRM, email marketing, and planning software for a well-coordinated event.
  3. Pre-event communication: Communicate objectives, event details and get the team excited for the upcoming event with regular messaging.
  4. Follow-up: Design a post-event follow-up using event registration tools to nurture relationships and gather valuable feedback.
  5. Satisfaction review: Turn feedback into actionable next steps to improve following cycle meetings.
  6. Engagement: Infuse engagement elements into your event strategy to captivate participants from start to finish.
  7. VIP Treatment: Identify VIPs through registration data and treat them like the stars they are, offering exclusive perks.
  8. Smooth check-in: No one likes to wait, especially at company event – ensure seamless check-in using QR codes, wearables and the proper software.
European Union flag

European e-Invoicing: What Event Planners Need to Know

If you’re an event planner operating in the European Union, you’ve probably come across the requirements for e-invoicing. Electronic invoicing is now mandatory for transactions involving public authorities in many EU countries.

For those unfamiliar, European e-invoicing is a project gradually pushing companies to transition all invoicing to the digital realm. This goes beyond just replacing paper invoices with .pdf files. The initiative introduces a government-controlled online portal that stores all e-invoices. The primary goal is to assist EU members in better tax collection, especially regarding VAT, while also reducing human errors and invoicing-related costs for both private and public entities.

Although specific details of the process may differ between countries, the general rule is simple: invoices will be uploaded to a government-designed and operated online portal. They will adhere to a specific format and be accompanied by the certified electronic signature of the issuer. The recipient will access the invoice on the same portal, enhancing transparency, reducing fraud, and accelerating payment speed.

How Will European e-Invoicing Affect Event Planners?

If you operate in a European Union country, sooner or later, you’ll be impacted by the e-invoicing requirement. Initially mandatory for transactions with public administrations, it’s now expanding to cover all B2B transactions. Soon, if you sell event tickets to a company, your invoice will need to go through a digital portal. Dealing with hundreds or thousands of such invoices, the last thing you want is to manually handle this process.

Luckily, we’re here to help you. Oveit is a tool designed not only to fully automate repetitive tasks but also to seamlessly communicate with third-party apps. As you focus on creating memorable events, let our software solutions handle the crucial yet mundane tasks.

Our APIs enable easy integration with your preferred invoicing system, one that aligns with the national e-invoicing platform. Whenever someone places an order, Oveit generates an invoice on your behalf. Moreover, it can transmit that invoice (or batches of invoices) to a third-party solution, simplifying the process of importing them into the government portal.

Changes for Event Planners in Europe

Soon, all event planners throughout Europe will need to adhere to e-invoicing regulations. This new initiative aims to assist authorities in more effectively collecting VAT while reducing the environmental impact and helping companies simplify their invoicing processes.

Shortly, you’ll be required to transition B2B invoices into a government-controlled digital environment. The good news is, you won’t have to handle this manually. Fortunately, available software solutions allow you to automate the entire process effortlessly.