Event ticket design with Oveit: make your tickets match your brand

When setting up an event, it’s important to have your brand really shine through. With our PRO account, you can customize the look and feel of your event ticket design to align with your brand. Our “ticket branding” feature offers you some great options to ensure your tickets are not only functional but also visually appealing.

But let’s start with the type of tickets you can design for your event:

Apple Pass, images and PDF files – Why use multiple ticket formats?

Our event registration software allows you to issue tickets in three different formats: PDF, image (PNG), and Apple pass files. Each format offers benefits for specific users and use cases in your event.

PDF tickets

PDF tickets are versatile and easy to distribute. They can be emailed directly to attendees, who can then print them out or save them on their devices. PDFs are ideal for detailed customization, allowing you to include a custom logo, cover photo, and additional event-specific information. They are also perfect for including data from registration forms, such as the attendee’s name and any add-on information like goods, services, or access rights. You can even add custom text relevant to the event, such as important information or terms and conditions. Additionally, you have the option to exclude default data like the ticket orderer or order number, giving you full control over the ticket’s content.

Sample PDF ticket

Image (PNG) tickets

Image tickets are highly shareable and can be easily integrated into digital communications or printed as keepsakes. Designing image tickets for your event can mean setting up your logo. Additionally you can design and adda cover image on our blue background and reflect your event’s identity. These tickets are perfect for social media promotion, digital invitations, and quick mobile access.

Apple Pass files

Apple pass files (.pkpass) offer a seamless and modern ticketing experience for iOS users. These digital passes can be added to Apple Wallet, providing attendees with easy access to their tickets on their iPhones. Like the image tickets, Apple pass files can be customized with your logo and a cover image, maintaining brand consistency and enhancing the attendee experience.

Sample Apple Pass ticket

Customizing your event ticket design

Our PRO and Hub accounts offer you customization options for your event tickets design. Here’s how you can tailor each ticket format to meet your needs:

Logo and cover photo

  • Image (PNG) and Apple Pass Tickets: Customize these tickets with your logo and a cover photo that matches your event’s identity. The cover photo for these formats should be 400×102 pixels to ensure a perfect fit and high-quality display on the blue background.
  • PDF Tickets: Similarly, the PDF tickets can feature a custom logo and a cover photo, with the recommended size being 652×120 pixels. This ensures your brand visuals are sharp.

Custom information on event tickets

  • PDF Tickets: In addition to the logo and cover photo, PDF tickets can be further customized. You can display up to the first three fields of data from the registration forms, include add-on information like additional services or access rights, and add any custom text relevant to your event. This flexibility allows you to convey all necessary information directly on the ticket, improving the attendee experience.

Excluding default data

  • PDF Tickets: To streamline the ticket’s appearance, you have the option to exclude certain default data such as the orderer’s name or the order number. This feature allows you to maintain a clean and focused design, ensuring that only the most relevant information is presented.

Creating your event ticket design

Take advantage of these customization features to design event tickets that truly stand out. Whether you choose PDF, image, or Apple pass files, each format offers unique benefits to meet the needs of your attendees while ensuring your brand shines through.

Start designing your perfect event ticket today.

How to recover your event abandoned carts and increase your ticketing sales

Do you know that about 98% of your visitors land on your registration page but don’t finish their order? That is correct, your whole event ticket sales is based on those 2% you do manage to convert into buyers. The rest of the 98% is full of event abandoned carts.

If your event relies on ticket purchases to finance its operations, this might be a very large issue that you are probably not aware of. If you could turn just 2% of the people that visit your registration section into buyers, you would double your orders, with the same amount of marketing effort. Pretty sweet, right?

So how do you do it? It’s really easy if you’ve upgraded your Oveit account to the Hub plan.

event abandoned carts

In your “Reports” you will see a button titled “Abandoned carts” which shows, of course, your abandoned orders. If you run a lot of events you will be able to filter by event, date and even a specific voucher, if it helps you track the right order. This way your event abandoned orders can easily be visualized and you can start reactivating them.

How do I reactivate my event abandoned carts?

Remember – the goal is convincing some of your visitors to become ticket buyers. Give them that extra budge needed when they’ve either forgotten they wanted to place an order, there might have been a sudden interruption or they are having some financial difficulty. 

This will not work for every type of event or any type of order but in some cases, especially B2B events where there are a lot of high priced options, this might be really useful.

Engage with limited time discount vouchers for ticket purchases

In some cases just reminding your potential visitors that they forgot to place their order might be enough. Sometimes, that is not the case and you need a little more.

Especially with large orders (expensive tickets, group purchases) you will need to add a carrot and a stick to your messaging. 

In this case the carrot would be a discount voucher. Say 15% off their order. But here’s where the stick comes into play. The voucher should be time limited. Otherwise a customer would postpone the purchase until they forget about it. Add a 48-72 hours time limit and you have some scarcity baked into your offer. This way you maximize the chances at reactivating this abandoned cart for your event.

Build a relationship – contact your customer directly and sell your event

Sometimes the best way to scale your event is to do things that don’t scale. While everyone is pushing their automation software (yup, including us), sometimes you need to create a direct link between you and your potential customers. 

Especially in the B2B events market, larger deals are discussed and closed directly. When it comes to sponsorships or larger corporate ticket packages most large events have a direct connection with their customer. This helps them understand their feedback, upsell when needed or help consult whether the purchase is a good idea for the buyer or not. And this all starts with the data in the event abandoned carts.

The data is structured in such a way for you to understand the customer profile, their potential purchase and all of the customer forms options they might have filled in. If the potential buyer has agreed to this (depending on your country or region data privacy regulations) you can reach out to your future customer via phone or email. You will find the reasons that they abandoned their order their background, their goals, and if all things align you can encourage them to purchase the event package with a time limited deal.

Alternative to Xing events

Discover the Best Alternative to Xing Events: Oveit Events Hub

With the shutdown of Xing Events (formerly known as Amiando) in 2023, event organizers are on the lookout for a reliable and efficient alternative. If you’re searching for the best alternative to Xing Events, look no further than Oveit. Oveit Events Hub is a powerful event management platform designed to simplify your conference registration, payments, access control, and sales and marketing efforts.

Why Oveit is the Ideal Alternative to Xing Events

Streamlined Event Registration and Payments

Oveit offers an end-to-end solution to streamline event registration and payments. By automating these processes, Oveit eliminates the need for manual data entry, reducing errors and saving time. With features like global billing invoicing and diverse payment options, financial management becomes effortless and efficient.

Cost Reduction and Time Savings

One of the significant advantages of Oveit as an alternative to Xing Events is its ability to cut costs and save time. Our platform’s modern infrastructure ensures stable and agile operations, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects of your event. Automation helps you say goodbye to complicated manual tasks, enabling your team to concentrate on delivering a memorable event experience.

Enhanced Sales and Marketing Capabilities

Oveit is a special type of event registration platform: it’s a specialized sales and marketing tool. With features like Event Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), affiliate and partner sales tracking, and CRM integration, Oveit ensures that no sales opportunity slips through the cracks. This makes it a powerful alternative to Xing Events for boosting your event’s bottom line.

Engaging Sponsors and Partners

Oveit excels in helping sponsor and partner engagement. Its user-friendly interface helps sponsors collect valuable leads and provides tailored registration packages for key stakeholders. This makes it an excellent choice for organizers looking to foster strong relationships with their sponsors and partners.

Marketing Automation Supercharged

Oveit’s marketing automation capabilities make it a standout alternative to Xing Events. With Oveit CRO, you can significantly boost conversion rates by refining the ticketing process and preventing potential buyers from dropping off. Oveit Analytics provides deep insights into buyer behavior, allowing you to optimize your marketing campaigns and refine your event strategies based on real-time data.

API-First Event Management

Oveit’s API-first approach sets it apart from traditional event management platforms. APIs enable seamless integration with other essential tools, such as CRM and marketing software, finance systems, and event networking apps. This ensures real-time data exchange, streamlined operations, and cohesive event experiences.

Conclusion: Oveit as the Best Alternative to Xing Events

In the wake of Xing Events’ shutdown, we strongly believe Oveit stands out as the best alternative for event organizers. Our automation capabilities, sales optimization tools, and seamless integrations provide an end to end solution that enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and improves the overall event experience. With a strong track record and glowing client testimonials, Oveit is the ideal choice for those seeking a reliable and feature-rich alternative to Xing Events.

If you’re ready to take your event management to the next level, book a demo with Oveit today and discover why it is the best alternative to Xing Events.

Design custom tickets for your branded event

Design custom tickets

When it comes to hosting a successful event, every detail matters. From the venue decor to the guest experience, each element contributes to the overall impression attendees take away. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our latest update at Oveit: an upgraded ability to design custom tickets for your branded event.

At Oveit, we understand the importance of creating a memorable experience for your attendees and the importance of branding. That’s why we’ve developed additional options to help you customize every aspect of your event tickets to reflect your brand identity and messaging.

With our new ticket design feature, you can:

  1. Feature a Cover Photo: Make a statement from the moment your attendees receive their tickets by featuring a captivating cover photo. Whether it’s your event logo, a stunning image related to your theme, or a snapshot of your keynote speaker, a visually striking cover photo sets the tone for your event and creates excitement.
  2. Choose Delivery Formats: We understand that convenience is key for both you and your attendees. That’s why we offer multiple delivery formats for your custom tickets, including Apple Wallet, PNG images, and PDF files. This flexibility ensures that your attendees can access their tickets easily, no matter their preferred platform.
  3. Integrate Your Company or Event Logo: Strengthen your brand presence and increase recognition by adding your company or event logo to every ticket. Whether you’re hosting a corporate conference or a marketing event, incorporating your logo ensures that your brand is front and center throughout the attendee experience.
  4. Customize Addons and Registration Fields: Tailor the ticketing process to meet your specific needs by choosing which add-ons and registration fields to display. Whether you want to offer VIP upgrades or collect additional attendee information, our customizable options make it easy to create a seamless registration experience.
  5. Include Additional Text: Provide important information or convey special messages directly on your tickets with our additional text feature. Whether it’s event details, sponsor shout-outs, or a personalized welcome message, adding text to your tickets ensures that attendees have all the information they need at their fingertips.

With Oveit’s custom ticket design feature, you have the power to create an immersive and memorable event experience that leaves a lasting impression on your attendees. Ready to elevate your branded event with custom-designed tickets? Get started with Oveit today!

Automate your Event Registrations: Oveit and Zapier connect you to 6,000+ apps

I’m happy to announce a thrilling update for our event organizers – Oveit now seamlessly integrates with Zapier! This powerful integration helps you streamline your event registration and connects your event with more than 6000 apps.

Automate event registration with Oveit and Zapier

What does this mean for you? With Oveit’s Zapier integration, every new event registration can automatically send secured signals to the Zapier ecosystem. This means the moment someone registers for your event, their information can instantly be synced with your CRM, marketing automation, follow-up systems, and more. It’s the kind of event automation that takes out tedious tasks for you and removes errors. It’s designed to make your life easier and your events more successful.

Why Zapier? Zapier connects over 6,000 apps, allowing you to automate event workflows without writing a single line of code. Whether you’re looking to enhance attendee engagement, streamline communication, or ensure your team has the latest registration data at their fingertips, Oveit and Zapier can make it happen.

Here’s why we thought this may be of help to you:

  • Automated Event Registration Workflows: Say goodbye to manual data entry. You can now automate the flow of information between your event registration platform and other critical apps and tools you use.
  • Real-Time Updates: Are Oveit’s notifications limiting? No prob, you can keep your team informed with real-time updates whenever a new registration or update is made. Messages on Slack, Hubspot or Whatsapp? You can do it. This way you ensure everyone is on the same page, from marketing to sales to customer service.
  • Personal Engagement: Use the data from new registrations to trigger personalized follow-up emails. Want to pass them through a AI filter? Let’s go. Extend and add contacts to targeted marketing campaigns? You got it, that’s possible.
  • Time-Saving: With this integration and others on our open data approach you can focus on what truly matters – delivering an unforgettable event experience. Let automation handle the repetitive tasks.

Getting Started Is Easy: Simply connect Oveit to Zapier, choose the apps you wish to integrate, and set up your automated registration workflows. No technical expertise required! However, if you need help with activating it – please contact us.

Ready to get started? Visit our App Directory for more information on how to integrate Oveit with Zapier or contact us to take the first step towards streamlined event management.